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Visited Stone Mountain.... Different Than Commem Design

I visited Stone Mountain in GA Friday. I learned that the mountain carving was abandoned, then started anew with a new design well after the 1925 coins were struck. Sure enough, the coin design is not the same as the mountain carving. Pictures below.


p.s. The coin shown is for sale on Wayne Herndon's web site.
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  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,763 ✭✭✭✭
    I've been in Ga for about 25 years, and it still amazes me the sheer size of that carving. I personally think it looks better with the bottom half kinda fading into the rock. Anyone who's never seen nit close up should make a point to do so. It's too bad the company that owns the park now is trying to turn it into an amusement park like Six Flags or something.

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