I have the following - generally XF45-AU55 coins, all are colorfully toned, most rainbows: 1838,1839, 1840, 1853 Arr, 1855 Arr, 1857, 1857-O, 1858, 1871, 1872...if any interest.
Craig If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
Here are the certified ones we have in stock right now.
1849-O 10C ANACS EF-45 Seated Liberty Dime Breen 3262 1857-O 10C NGC MS-63 Seated Liberty Dime 1873-CC Arrows 10C NGC VF-20 Seated Liberty Dime 1876-CC 10C NGC MS-62 Seated Liberty Dime
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Here, in case you didn't feel like clicking the link below and scrolling down through all that Darkside stuff:
<< <i>1891 Seated dime ANACS AU58 (obverse: pink toning, reverse: pink rims with white center- pretty) $94 >>
Buy some modern stuff that actually has some reasonable chance to go up in value and that is pretty!
Yes, we take trade-in's.
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
I've got one with a punchmark on both sides.
1849-O 10C ANACS EF-45 Seated Liberty Dime
Breen 3262
1857-O 10C NGC MS-63 Seated Liberty Dime
1873-CC Arrows 10C NGC VF-20 Seated Liberty Dime
1876-CC 10C NGC MS-62 Seated Liberty Dime
You're website is on my favorites list and I usually check out your seated dimes a couple of times a week.
Seriously...any nice or better date seated dimes out there?
Kaleidoscope Coins
I have this Seated Dime on ebay
1847 Seated Dime Breen 3253
Kaleidoscope Coins