Some more cool coin show newps (stuff for the Lincoln people).

Is it just me, or is the strike very, very weak on this one?

I really like this one!

I also like this one, but not as much as the first.

This one looks like somebody dropped some blotter and barfed on the coin.

Russ, NCNE

I really like this one!

I also like this one, but not as much as the first.

This one looks like somebody dropped some blotter and barfed on the coin.


Russ, NCNE
Those that dont have the upset rim are worth more I hear.
Is yours a clad Cent Blank or is it a good old copper type. It would weigh no less than 2.5 grams if all copper.
The clads are a few tenths lighter.About 2.3 grams.
Russ, NCNE