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Bellaire Coin Show

was today and is tomorrow.I spent a few hours around noon there today. JB spotted me and we chatted a minute or so.
Sorry JB .I had to scope the floor and go eat before I passed out . I would have talked longer otherwise.Maybe next time
we,ll exchange life stories.

The coins I picked up I,m pretty happy with. 1912 S Lib 5c in fine.raw.light corrosion..was priced right I believe.
1934 P Peace Dollar raw in AU55-58 at a fair price. Love those Keys.
Also a few odd raw Jeffs to add to a close to complete set. Hey I,m a slow starter ok? image

One highlight for me was seeing a couple of Lincoln errors. Both raw, `83 DDR ,and a `84 double ear.
...i may kick myself one day for not grabbing those then...glad I know the dealer and is local I guess..

Other stuff I picked up..a 1977 Redbook 30th edition for $3 and a grin.
some nic-0-date for that dateless S I had. I tryed on two dateless Buffs.The S is a `23 S and the other I had laying around
turned out to be a 1917.
That stuff really works.To bad your have to doctor the coin like that to get to the worn off date.image

Need a price for a coin in 1977 ? image


  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    this show is in such a small place so it makes it look busier than it is. Not alot of fresh material (looking forward to Central States and TNA over the next 2 weeks) so I only bought 8 or so toned Bust halves and a few odds and ends. A noticable shortage of higher grade Morgans which I find strange. I will go back in the morning to scoop up a few more items and also to kick some tires a little bit.

    I only saw one dealer with ANY toned Morgans and he has had those for awhile. None of the old timers want to buy the toned stuff, oh well.

    I did pick up a 1795 toned Flowing hair half in VG that I will post photos of, if it is still around in a few days.
  • DeadhorseDeadhorse Posts: 3,720
    Hey, very cool, some Houston guys. I was there today as well. Picked up a nice pink/orange toned 55 Frankie. Got it from the guy with the toned Morgans.

    Also grabbed a beautiful little golden toned 36 Merc in 65, maybe better from a guy with just a few items in a large display case. Got both at very good prices.

    Going back tomorrow for a 28 Peace, looked at 3 of them, still trying to decide which one is coming home with me.
    "Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society(destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
    John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    I saw some early `50s Proof Sets one dealer had.One had a nice CAM Washington in it. `52 I think.
    Another had a nice CAM Frankie.
    The rest were mostly non-CAM coins.

    I might have to slurge...image

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