Coin name needed

There is a special beer being brewed for me by the owners of our local beer bar. (over 700 different beers on hand and 39 taps) It is in honor of my having drank 2000 different beers. I need to get a name for it. It is a Munich Helles style beer.
I want to name it after an American coin. So, everyone start coming up with names. I will consider all thedifferent names that you all come up with, and use one, or a combination.........Thanks, Ken
I want to name it after an American coin. So, everyone start coming up with names. I will consider all thedifferent names that you all come up with, and use one, or a combination.........Thanks, Ken
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Flying Eagle Gold
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
Liberty Lager
Matrons Malt
Saint-Gauden's Gold Lager
Coronet Gold
Barber's Beer
Colonial Ale
Chain Cent Lager
Fugio Cent Lager
Stella Malt Light
Gobrecht Gold Malt
Old Copper Malt Light
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
Indian Head
MS70 Flying Eagle
Billy Beer(Whoops, already been done)
(I guess that joke only works for those who've been on this forum for a while...)
your family must be so proud
Golden Ale (or Golden Dollar Ale, have them sell it for a Golden Dollar, all others pay $2 cash)
Sac Suds
Goodacre Ale (named for the artist that designed the obv. image on the SAC).
for this forum.
I just hope Clankeye sees this because he is likely to find his muse and
return with a possibly tipsy Mrs. Coinboard.
That one has my vote.
When the labels are printed, be sure to share a picture with us.
..........Edited to add... Keep the names coming. I'm off to bingo. Be back in about 5 hours...Ken
Full Band Brew
or for you Frankie lovers...
Full Bell Brew
Breen's Liberty Helles?
Saint-Gaudens Majestic Ale?
Soaring Eagle?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath away.
I like Steelhead also.
An open mind will support transformation.
Recognize life is full of change
and celebrate the opportunity.
"There is always a way to collect,Never surrender the hobby"
If the person who drinks it can tell you what all that stuff means they get another pint for free!!!!!
As many of you know, Randall's first seven kegs contained thousands of uncirculated large cents.
Find the story under "Hoard Finds" at It Makes Cents
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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