The general public really does need to be educatated!

While watching my local news this morning, a story about the deseign change on the Jefferson nickel came on. The anchor went on to say how the changes were going to commerate the Lous. purchase and Jeffersons home. He finished up by saying that current portrait of GEORGE WASHINGTON would be replaced by one of Jefferson. They then went to commercial. When they came back, the anchor(who made the error) looked at the other anchor and said, "you told me Washington was on the nickel, look I told you Washington was on the quarter, here's one right here." He then went on to say that Jefferson's new portrait would be replacing a buffalo! Boy did they botch that one!
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
At the end of the story they asked passers by whose portrait was on the coin. Interesting answers, most of which were wrong. They even asked an armored car driver who didn't know. They commented that he should know since he handles coins all day. This low wage guy just knows there are bags of heavy metal to deliever.
Does the general public look at their coins? From this news program they might but have no clue who/what is depicted on their coins.
Got quoins?
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
No! See what happens when you allow the Virginia delegation to "moonlight."