I am getting ready to start selling some of my coins on ebay and had a question about refunds. say i sell a raw set of standing liberty quarters ( vf-au ) in a dansco album and the winning bider gets them and then says he is not happy with a coin or the whole set and wants to return it for a would i know that this person didnt swap out any of the coins with lesser grade coins. how would you seal an entire album so that if it was tampered with i would know. any thoughts are greatly apreciated. thanks
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If I were you, I would sell any coin worth more than $15 individually - and then sell what is left as a group. You will realize a lot larger return and get more practice/feedback. If you sell as a group, the bidders will assume the 'keys' are not that good and would be VERY happy when they arrive.
This depends on if you like doing that sort of thing - and how high you value your time.
There is a lot of trust between members and if you represent the coins you are selling you should not have a problem with returns. You can also include clear photographs on request.
In addition, you wont have to pay eBay fees.
Put pictures/scans (and close-ups of the more valuable coins) in the auction and you should not have a problem.
I have sold many albums and bulk coins without a problem doing the above. I also provide description info about the set (I tend to be very conservative by ebay standards) and I have only received positive feedback.