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I am getting ready to start selling some of my coins on ebay and had a question about refunds. say i sell a raw set of standing liberty quarters ( vf-au ) in a dansco album and the winning bider gets them and then says he is not happy with a coin or the whole set and wants to return it for a refund.how would i know that this person didnt swap out any of the coins with lesser grade coins. how would you seal an entire album so that if it was tampered with i would know. any thoughts are greatly apreciated. thanks


  • if your worried about people swapping coins, then I would just take really good pictures and state that due to the nature of this auction you won't accept returns
  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    You could take pictures of them. mike
  • mrdqmrdq Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭
    Good pictures and no returns is the way to go i think. If you're a dealer and looking for long term clients this might turn people off but you should CYA on these transactions. There are scumbag sellers AND scumbag buyers and some of them are both. Protect yourself.

    --------T O M---------

  • zennyzenny Posts: 1,547 ✭✭
    i think it better to go ahead and place them in individual holders so that you could offer refund "if coins are left in original holders." Tampering will be much easier to detect. People are much more comfortable bidding where refund is offered.

  • All ebay auctions involve trust, As seller, you can do things to protect your self. Take pictures especially of key dates (most likely to be switched). Coins have distinctive markings. Include pix in listing so bidders know you have accurate catalogue of coins. If too worried, don't offer refund but will lose bidders. If bidder has high feedback, you should be OK. Bidder trusts you to send coins & you should extend atleast some of same courtesy to bidder but protect your self w/ pics & make it clear you have an accurate record of your coins. Good Luck.
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    Can you take good photographs?

    If I were you, I would sell any coin worth more than $15 individually - and then sell what is left as a group. You will realize a lot larger return and get more practice/feedback. If you sell as a group, the bidders will assume the 'keys' are not that good and would be VERY happy when they arrive.

    This depends on if you like doing that sort of thing - and how high you value your time.
  • WhitewashqtrWhitewashqtr Posts: 736 ✭✭✭
    Offer the set directly to Board members first.

    There is a lot of trust between members and if you represent the coins you are selling you should not have a problem with returns. You can also include clear photographs on request.

    In addition, you wont have to pay eBay fees.

  • There is a mindset that if a dealer does not have a good return policy, then they are either a crook or trying to pull a fast one. I am usually of that mindset! But, having read what you said, I can see a dilema. I see nothing wrong with a no return policy on those coins. State so in the auction along with your reason, and the bidding should be in parrallel with that..........Ken
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,144 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would suggest a silent refund policy. That is, don't mention it in your auction but decide in advance how you will deal with it if a potential bidder asks the question or if a buyer wants to return it. This way you avoid the bid on approval crowd. Returns are a royal pain in the A$$ for both parties. Frankly I would accept returns only if I misrepresented an item or omitted a detail I shouldn't have.
  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭
    For the most part , most if not all auctions that contain "loose" coins are NO refund for the obvious reasons and I think most bidders understand this.

    Put pictures/scans (and close-ups of the more valuable coins) in the auction and you should not have a problem.

    I have sold many albums and bulk coins without a problem doing the above. I also provide description info about the set (I tend to be very conservative by ebay standards) and I have only received positive feedback.


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