Grade consistancy

Please, I am soliciting opinions on the grade consistancy for an eighteenth type set that I am putting together. While I can afford some of the coins in MS, not all will be within my reach. What are your personal preferences? Do you like consistant grades, say vf-xf or does interspersing a MS specimen spice up the set. While I am at it, since all these will be slabbed, I am torn between mixing slabs ( I know, buy the coin...) and waiting for the PCGS/NGC to come along. Thanks from a newbie!
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Also, buy the coins that have the eye-appeal, dont worry about the slab as long as it is one of the major respectable services.
With eighteenth century coins, IMO, I would definitely stay away from NTC,PCI, and of course the dreaded ACG slabs.
jim dimmick
While the coins are not matched grade wise they are interesting...