GAI/PSA Crossovers

I just got back a crossover order from psa that I was a little surprised to see.
I sent them all in their existing GAI holders.
All cards sent in were GAI-8, and I thought that they were on the high end of an 8.
All cards came back as mingrade except for one that crossed over into a psa 8.
Frankly, I thought that they would all crossover into 8's.
When you figure out the cost to buy the GAI-8 card, the shipping costs and the PSA grading fees you will take
a big hit if they dont crossover in the same or better grade from PSA.
Does anyone else have any experience with the new crossover program? I am curious to see if you have had any better luck than I.
I sent them all in their existing GAI holders.
All cards sent in were GAI-8, and I thought that they were on the high end of an 8.
All cards came back as mingrade except for one that crossed over into a psa 8.
Frankly, I thought that they would all crossover into 8's.
When you figure out the cost to buy the GAI-8 card, the shipping costs and the PSA grading fees you will take
a big hit if they dont crossover in the same or better grade from PSA.
Does anyone else have any experience with the new crossover program? I am curious to see if you have had any better luck than I.
Buyer and Seller of PSA graded Baseball Cards from 1900-1980.
Check out my ebay auctions listed under seller ID: jeej
Check out my ebay auctions listed under seller ID: jeej
Well, if enough people post crossover results like the ones that started this thread buyers will see GAI as a non-option. The fact is the standard shifts enough to where crossover results are not viable information, in my opinion. I will state again and will continue to do so for every "crossover" thread...
All three companies do a fine job most of the time. PSA has been fairly inconsistent for some time now. I'm truly starting to feel the half-point scale may be the answer on the higher-end cards...but that's another thread. Too bad about your results. Curious, were these cards you hoped to cross for your registry? If not, why would you cross them?
If you think that they're that nice and you've handled more than a few PSA 7's, 8's and 9's before - then its worth the shot to crack them out yourself and send them in. More than likely, they'll cross over to 8's not being in a GAI holder.
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
PSA get's paid either way...I don't buy this.
I believe that at one time you posted some great information on your experiences with PSA, SGC and GAI...and the weight that the various companies places on the various attributes of a card. I've searched for this thread in several places, but can't find it. Could you kindly post it again?
thanks in advance!
<< <i>More than likely, they'll cross over to 8's not being in a GAI holder. >>
No doubt...why would PSA willingly promote the fact the GAI is a viable 2nd or 3rd option....wouldn't they be shooting themselves in the foot? There is some conflict of interest here....
I think Brucemo should do an experiment regarding the "Big 3" grading companies: PSA, SGC, GAI submit a couple cards (the same ones each time) to PSA, crack them out(without damaging them), resubmit them 2 more times, and do the same for each company so we can see what kind of results we are getting.
I know its impossible for one grader to grade thousands of cards a month, but I think we need more consistency.
DBJ and gang, Here's a little game you can play when you have way too much time on your hands...
First, Take a stack of 30 vending-fresh or just nice cards with sturdy stock and reasonably sharp corners.
Second, grab a 10x and a bright light.
Third, scrutinize each card noting corners, edges, tilt it in each direction to look for wrikles front or back, examine the gloss or lack thereof, centering, etc....spend about 100 seconds at least on each card.
After the first twenty cards or so, assuming they are of like condition, your eyes will grow less discerning...multiply that by how many cards these guys are asked to grade...
Next, note your final grade on a sheet of paper and seal it in an envelope and shelve the cards for one month...or even overnight!
You may just be enlightened by what you will find. You will probably grade some of YOUR OWN cards differently with nothing more than a nights sleep...let alone a month, in between.
Don't misunderstand, I absolutely agree with you, this is just an interesting excercise I thought you might dig trying...I urge everyone to try it.
PSA, BGS, SGC, GAI, whatever... I would put together a picture book for every grader with photos of PSA 1 through 10 for some key sets that they can refer back to. This would provide a singular constant for EVERY grader to work towards.
If a card comes back for review - put a piece of tape over the grade and have the reviewers see which picture it most closely resembles. If certain graders are off the mark more often than others - they get sent back for training. If someone keeps straying from the standard after retraining - they probably shouldn't work there anymore.
I just get the sense that the grading standards in verbal form are too open to interpretation - thats why we have inconsistency problems.
Just my 2 cents
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
<< <i>PSA, BGS, SGC, GAI, whatever... I would put together a picture book for every grader with photos of PSA 1 through 10 for some key sets that they can refer back to. This would provide a singular constant for EVERY grader to work towards. >>
This doesn't work, because you can't take a good enough picture, and even if you could, the card has four corners on the front, four on the back, four edges on the front, four on the back, two surfaces, centering front and back, and print. All of that together goes into the grade. If you go around looking for a card with a "PSA-9 corner" to take a picture of, you'll drive yourself half-crazy.
downgoesfrazier-I agree 100%. I go over my collection every so often and it amazes me that I graded certain cards NM or NMMT, 5 years or even five months ago.
<< <i>... You'd get far more accurate and consistent results with me grading your cards, but if you tell Chris Renaud you've got a '71 Perez in a "frazier 9" I doubt he'll bite
I'd bite on the '71 Perez graded "frazier 9". Let me know when the "frazier set registry" is up and running.
All of my "Frazier 9's" are in my set
The "Frazier Set Evaluation Table" or "F-SET" is coming soon!!!!
When is the fruru 81 donruss going to take place!!!
frank has a great eye yours is ok also but mine got the 1 and only 76 rice in the 1 and only psa 9 holder on the planet
i might be swayed to the "F-SET" if i get a sweet deal on the cross over's
81D...already underway. Fruru's 81's...gonna be big!
I promise to leave the web address off the flip
i don't even have a raw example of the BULL or Torre would pay a premium for both
did you crack that 77 SGC 96 BULL ? and what's this a 76 parker ????? i want it and then find me a foster,simmons,oglive and dan ford.
i like the sgc holders but if you could come up with a silver label to put over that ugly green and white label, maybe you could be a fourth party grading service.
I just entered the balance of the new 76's in my set last night. Eleven new cards from what is showing on the registry today. I also have six duplicate 9's that aren't showing in your set. Interested?
I thought you told me that I was getting both the Rice and the Parker and that if John was ever to ask me about it I was to deny all knowledge? What happened?
The best presents in life are the ones you give yourself!
email me the numbers and we will talk. i would love to get to 50% of the set in 9 and i am about 20 cards short. will you accept pennies for payment
i will give you a dollar more than frank for the parker
is that your 81 set that is all 10's??if it is can we have viewing hours or something?
It will be open for viewing soon!!! Couple more deals to close then I'll
unleash the guru's finest..I'm looking for a couple of more stars that
I'd care not to get ran up on then I'm happy with what I have in 10's..
Email me at
I didn't crack the 77 Bull...still resides in the SGC holder. I purchased one off-line from Colt is the finest copy I've ever seen. How it didn't 10 is beyond both of us. A premium copy for sure. Colt is a great guy and top-notch seller. He is pretty fussy about what he ships west and it shows. I have the Torre from '76...we'll have to add that to the list of cards that Frank and I know nothing about
81 donruss are on the table up here in gatorland for the corners are pins yet after
further inspection the plates are just a touch off. Though this looks like it could be
fun going shopping on monday for 81 donruss. Landed another 40 unique #'s on the
topps today pretty geared. Rollinnn rollinnn on the 81's...Any ideas on where to go