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If a board member asks you to close an auction and sell him/her a coin/coins, what do you do?

RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a board member asking me to close my auctions and sell the coins. I replied I DO NOT close auctions early, but if I did, the offer would have to be one I could not refuse. Anyway, I asked the person to make an offer and (s)he replied, but with no offer. (S)He wanted me to tell him/her how much I wanted. I started the bids out at $1.00 because I did not know the current market for them.

So, am I right for not closing it early? I assume I am. If a person offered you an enormous amount for a coin that you did not think was worth it, would you close it?

Thanks! Richard.


  • Dave99BDave99B Posts: 8,607 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been asked several times (not by board members) to end an auction early. But I had already received bids, and I felt it was unethical, so I said "nope".

    No bids? Sure.

    Bids? Nope.


    Always looking for original, better date VF20-VF35 Barber quarters and halves, and a quality beer.
  • You are 100% in the right. I think the auction folks, whether they be eBay or yahoo or whatever...actually tell you NOT to do it. Especially if other bidders are involved.

    Now I've had sellers offer to close an auction for me when I was the only bidder...good for me...but as a seller it's your choice/gamble...and you are right to stay the course.
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Richard- You've done the right thing. The Member has the same opportunity to win the coin as anyother bidder. If they really want it, then they will get in the line. Good luck! image
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have closed one and sold the coin. It had no bids and had been up for a couple of days. Shortly after closing the auction a Email was received from another person asking why the auction had been closed. He stated that he was going to put a bid in later. The way that bidders go about placing bids sort of puts a seller between a rock and a hard spot. Why dont they just place a bid if they are interested in the coin. BTW the coin went to a person that comes to these boards once in awhile.

    If it came down to getting another good offer on a coin with No Bids I would do the same as was done before. A seller puts his coins up to sell, not to sit there and wait for bids.


  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I have only closed 1 auction that had bids - it was an item sold 45 days before that had not been paid - I told the original buyer if I got the payment before the close, it was his - and he pulled through

    what a pain that turned out to be - it was generic silver nothing fancy - melt value

    cancelling 7 bids took awhile

    In your situation, I would tell the interested party to be the high bidder at the end and then they are their's

    If they do not sell (I am not sure if you are starting low, or near value, or 50% value) - then you would be open to reasonable offers.
  • fairlaneman has it right and sinin1 is right, cancelling bids is a real pain.

    "the world is full of kings and queens, they blind your eyes and steal your dreams, it's Heaven and Hell"
  • Rampage, I agree with the majority... you should let the auction run it's course.

    < Why dont they just place a bid if they are interested in the coin. >

    Fairlaneman, Since the auction has a posted closing date & time, bidders should have until that time to place bids... it's not up to the seller to dictate when, from open 'til closing, the bids get placed. The seller has already stated the acceptable timeframe for bids when he sets the length of the auction.
    NMFB ™

  • I agree with Dave on this one.
    No bids - OK
    Bids - not OK
    Gotta love them Mercs
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Richard- How about a link? image
  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,420 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not unless it was Dave99. image I think it is unfair to ask another to close down an auction unless your willing to pay fat money for the coin, and if I were willing to pay big I would just snipe the auction with a huge bid to win at all costs.

    "make me an offer". Hey buddy that is why it is up on auction so that the true market price can be realized and I can get top dollar and not leave any on the table. "Just bid on it and if you lose then you weren't willing to pay what I was asking"!

  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    For some reason many people snipe. And there are probably a group watching the coin now, and it is an auction isn't it? Let it run its course, and if the person really wants it they will bid high enough to get the coin.

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here is a link to all three of them. It was all I listed this week. I also had three for sale on my sale list on the BST board, but these in the auction are far more dramatic. What do you all think of them?


  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    By the way.......I am not trying to start a flame war. Just wanted opinions before I did something unethical. I do appreciate all the opinions out there. All three auctions will be running their courses. One ends tomorrow and the other two end on Saturday. image
  • Toned Modern coins are not my cup of tea. None the less they are very attractive coins, and should sell quite well for you. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gotta love them Mercs
  • I agree with everyone else. Let them run their course. Good luck on your auctions!
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And Clark the seller has no rights either ? When I hold off and a auction gets closed for one reason or another I just kick myself in the Butt for not bidding. If you want the coin put a token bid in. Then if it gets closed you have room to gripe. Seems damn fair to both the Seller and Buyer to me. Of course some of you guys are way ahead of me on this sort of stuff. So Please just Excuse Me.

  • Sure, the seller has rights. He/She can close an auction early. This isn't about rights. It's about keeping your word. It's about character. If you offer something for auction and you announce the closing date/time, you should honor it.
    NMFB ™

  • I've had the same situation asked of me. I replied to the person that I would let the auction continue and "let the chips fall where they may"! The offer the person made to me ended up being 20% less than the final bid. The person that made the offer ended up being high bidder and paid that 20% difference. Why have an auction if you're willing to sell your integrity along with the coin.
    Constellatio Collector sevenoften@hotmail.com
    "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
    "If it don't make $"
    "It don't make cents""
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clark old buddy so a person that closes a auction has no character according to your statement. There are sure alot of people, according to you, that have no character. Get into the real world. I'm just positive that if someone gave you a killer price on one of your auctions that had no bids you would turn it down. Some how this is not quite believable.

    Now let it drop and next time do not single me out. Have a Damn nice evening.

  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you all for your replies. Cheers, Richard.
  • vam44vam44 Posts: 291
    I`ll pay $1 more than (s)he offered.imageimageimageimage

    Hey! new emotions!image
    A dealer once asked me if I noticed any three-legged buffalos on the bourse,to which I replied,"...no,but I saw alot of two-legged jackasses..."
  • vam44vam44 Posts: 291
    Well, some of `em work!imageimageimage
    A dealer once asked me if I noticed any three-legged buffalos on the bourse,to which I replied,"...no,but I saw alot of two-legged jackasses..."
  • Fairlaneman ol' buddy, please feel free to spin my comments into something they aren't.

    My statement, "It's about character."
    is not the same as your interpretation: "so a person that closes a auction has no character according to your statement

    I never stated anything about no character. I don't think character is something you either have or you don't. It's a little more complicated than that.

    By the way... if I can't respond to any post here, what is this forum for? But, no problem. Why would I ever respond to another one of your posts now that I know that you're not in it for the fair exchange of opinions. You just want to be agreed with.

    And, I'm not going to wish that you "Have a Damn nice evening.", because I really could care less what kind of evening you have.

    NMFB ™

  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭

    << <i>And, I'm not going to wish that you "Have a Damn nice evening.", because I really could care less what kind of evening you have. >>

    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I like them - I agree with you, how do you price those 3 items.

    I have personally bought a couple still in government package with less blue tone in the $12-18 range -> you have them in ANACS slabs with good grades ??? $12-40 ??? close prices.

    Items like this with low start are going to attract snipers who plug in their programs with what they are willing to bid - sometimes the snipers programs don't hit bids because current is higher - other times you can see bids jump 200%-300% in the last 5 seconds - the wonders of millisecond computer technology.

    You have sold many items and I am always trying to improve my returns myself. What I have found is to have the auction going both Saturday and Sunday allows the people who work alot during the week to do their searches for items on their ?want? list.

    I also found that 7 days auctions outperform 3 or 5 day auctions. If I have a higher ticket item I occasionally list it 10 days covering 2 weekends (start Thursday and end following Monday).

    I don't snipe but usually don't bid alot either -> I'll bump all 3 of them up to $10 for you (and hopefully me)


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