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1969 Topps Basketball for Sale (list and prices)

For Sale:
1969 Topps PSA 8

So I bought these a few years ago and I just

saw yesterday how much they were going for. I

haven't been following this area of the hobby

so I am only guessing at the prices, but I last

night I saw 2 common 1968's with a pop of

around $100 that had sold for $300-$325.

16 JOHNNY EGAN (1/18) -- $175
21 EDDIE MILES (1/23) -- $ 90
26 JACK MARIN (R) (1/16) -- $275 !
30 BOB RULE (R) (1/35) -- $ 45
37 LOY PETERSON (1/16) -- $175
39 TOBY KIMBALL (1/15) -- $175
40 CUNNINGHAM (R,HOF) (1/30) -- $225
49 MEL COUNTS (R) (1/23) -- $ 90
52 DON SMITH (1/24) -- $ 90
67 LUKE JACKSON (R) (1/9) -- $300 *
79 TOM VAN ARSDALE (1/17) -- $175
90 JERRY WEST (HOF) (1/39) -- $ Make Offer
94 KEVIN LOUGHERY (R) (1/22) -- $ 90

*Price is Less than the last ebay sale.
! Current ebay price is already above $200


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