Another GSA

well, earlier this month I picked up an '83 GSA on eBay from a local seller pics of which I posted on here in another thread. This morning I just picked up my second one (an '82 GSA) from a dealer here in town who had it listed on eBay. Now, where are the other dates??
I think I may have a GSA-addiction!!

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on; I don't do these things to other people, I require the same from them."
Do an ebay search for GSA in the dollar section...and you can also go to
And GSAGuy here on the boards is the true expert.
My house, I have 1880-85 CC, although GSAGUY has something in the neighborhood of 42 different GSA issues (obviously not all CC Morgans).
I've got all the Carsons except the "big 3"...79/90/91
A dealer friend told me it was brought into a coin shop at least a few years ago, instantly traded hands several times, and was sold to a high-end GSA collector for $30,000.
That actually sounds plausible to me.