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Is there a VAM for the 1886 Morgan...........

that has doubling of the shafts and quivers on the lower sections of the arrows?



  • numobrinumobri Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭

    None that i can find in the,Van Allen and Mallis,book.Sorry.
  • Checking here might be of some help.

  • MrLeeMrLee Posts: 1,848 ✭✭✭
    The 1886-P Vam 17 shows " Lower 3 arrow feathers doubled at bottom, wreath bow doubled at top inside, and olive branch doubled at far left." I hope this helps.
  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    For the billionth time,

    every "known" die pair has a VAM number.

    MrLee has given the correct Vam number for the "Doubled Arrows" variety for 1886. Specifically, the description from the VAM Book states, "Reverse C3b - Lower three arrow feathers doubled at bottom, wreath bow doubled at top inside, and olive brandch doubled at far left." This description has not been supplemented as of 2002.

    how did you miss this description in the Vam Book?

    BTW, in case you are interested, it is R-3 (hundreds of thousands) on the Rarity scale, according to Van Allen/Mallis.
  • Excellent......The pic that MrLee posted is the deal.

    ." This description has not been supplemented as of 2002.
    I'm not sure I understand what this means.
  • numobrinumobri Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭

    Sorry about the bad info Maulumall.Looks like MrLee is on top of things.

    Gilbert,My vams book only went to 12 for the 1886 morgan.Checked the printing date on the book,1981,4th printing.Guess it's time to buy an updated one.I did Morgans years ago,left them and took up Bust Dollars,been doing these for over 15 years.I will be giving the old book away as soon as i get a more updated one.

    Again,sorry about the bad,or out dated,info.

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