How do you contact Ebay if you suspect a problem with your account?

I won three auctions on Sunday listed by numishead. The first thing I noticed is that I didn't receive the usual winner notification email from ebay, and looking back on my bids, I never recieved confirmation of my bids from ebay. On Monday I requested a total from the seller for the three items so I could send payment using Pay Pal. I checked the box to send a duplicate email to myself. As of today I haven't receive the duplicate. According to the item descriptions for each item, the seller sent me payment information, but I have yet to see anything show up in my email. I requested another total a short time ago for the three items, and again checked the box to send me a duplicate of my message to the seller and still nothing coming from ebay to my email account. In the past it's been almost instantanious. I checked my account and the email address is still my current email address. Anyone know how to contact ebay if you suspect a problem with your account? Also does anyone know numishead so I can contact him/her other than through ebay?
US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04
Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
If you were in a transaction with numishead, you can click on his ID in the auction and eBay will give you his e-mail address which you can then use to contact him directly. You can also request his contact info (phone, etc.) but that comes in an e-mail so you might not get it given the current situation.
Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
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One thing I do is go to an auction I won - and ask the seller a question -> I won 3 lots...., combine shipping...., methods of payment.....
you usually get a reply direct from them telling you how to pay