Yankee Stadium Vintage Seats
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I just read where the city of New york is selling the vintage seats that were replaced in the late 70's renovation for $1000 apiece.I wonder how many will find their way to the open market and at what price?Wouldn't it be cool to own a piece of that stadium?How many will their be on E-Bay and will any be for sale at the upcoming national?
For any Yankee fan,this would probably be a cornerstone of their collection.I e-mailed the city of NY and will see what they say.I am afraid that they are already gone.
Please be kind to me. Even though I'm now a former postal employee, I'm still capable of snapping at any time.
The crazy thing about these seats is that they were made available to the public by the company that did the demolition and renovation of Yankee stadium in 1973. I don't recall what the price was then, but Yankee stadium seats are actually among the most common in the hobby. It wasn't that long ago that you could buy a nice single seat for $300-$700 depending upon condition, with older straightback seats and attached sections being more expensive. The nice ones that I've seen over the last couple of years go in the range of $1000-$2500 depending on the auction house and again, the condition. They are great pieces of memorabilia, I still kick myself regularly for passing on a curved back seat in nice unrestored condition at the "East Coast National" in 1996 for $400! Live and learn. I have a nice pair of seats from my childhood ballpark, Parker Field in Richmond, VA. They look great in my office, but a Yankee Satdium seat would look even better! Please keep us posted on what the city of New York has to say.
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
April 22, 2003 -- The city is getting swamped by phone calls from Yankee fans desperate to get their hands on one of 1,000 vintage seats from Yankee Stadium that are going on the market this summer. The $1,000 price tag apparently isn't a deterrent.
"The response has been overwhelming," said Megan Sheekey, spokeswoman for the Parks Department.
Callers have deluged Parks staffers, the commissioner's office, 311 and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, which is handling sales of the post-1976 plastic seats.
DCAS spokesman Warner Johnston, who fielded 75 calls himself, said the seats won't be available before July 1. At that time, more information will be available on the city's Web site, www.nyc.gov, by calling 311 or by visiting the official city store at 1 Centre St.