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Question about Selling with Paypal

Hi everyone, so I'm looking to sell some items on ebay (not coins), and I just had a few questions about using Paypal. I've heard a lot of unhappiness here about Paypal fees, but it seems that if you have a personal account, there are no fees for receiving funds. Is this true, and is there no limit to how large a transaction you can receive? It also seems that you can only accept bank transfers with a personal account, which is fine, since I don't want to run the risk of shipping to a fraudulant credit card user. Basically, my question is this: if I have a personal account, can I accept bank payments of any size with no associated fees?



  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,144 ✭✭✭✭✭
    With a personal PeePal account you can accept payments fron existing balances or checking accounts with no fees. You could accept credit card bidders if the bidder would agree to transfer from HIS credit card to HIS PayPal account and then to YOUR account thus absorbing the fee. It has never been a concern for me but I don't believe that there is a limit to the amount that you can accept tho anything over $10,000 may have to be reported.
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    I thought you could only receive $600 every couple of months with a personal account. I could be wrong. It's been a while since I've had a personal account. I know I remember a limit of some sort. If you start selling on a regular basis, you will need to upgrade your account. The 2.8% is nothing if you are selling on a regular basis.

    Ebay Stuff
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>but it seems that if you have a personal account, there are no fees for receiving funds. >>

    That is correct, but you cannot accept credit card payments, nor can you accept payments from unverified accounts even if they are PayPal balance or bank account funded.

    << <i>Is this true, and is there no limit to how large a transaction you can receive? >>

    AFAIK, if your account is verified and address confirmed, there is no upper limit on the dollar amount.

    I should note that even if you put NO CREDIT CARDS THROUGH PAYPAL in giant, uppercase bright red print all over your auction, some people will still try to pay by credit card.

    Russ, NCNE

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