Large modern submission - results are in. I like IKEs.

This is my largest submission. Actually I was trying to save the IKEs for bulk submission rates, but when PCGS announced the price hike, I sent in what I had.
Invoice 9006292
Received 3/27/2003
Grades available 4/21/2003
Sent in an economy batch at the same time, guess I will be waiting another 2 months before I know anything on that one.
Invoice 9006292
Received 3/27/2003
Grades available 4/21/2003
Sent in an economy batch at the same time, guess I will be waiting another 2 months before I know anything on that one.
The impossible just takes longer.
15 - MS68
45 - MS67
19 - MS66
13 - Others
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!