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Forum members poll: was Jade deceitful in this ebay auction?

Yes or No??

Jade auction on ebay

I only bring this up because DMWJR (Doug Wright) keeps slamming Jade Coin, Inc. At first he said that they sold problem coins without stating the problems. Jade answered all of Doug's allegations and backed up the answers with some ebay auctions that recently closed. Now Doug is changing his tune and saying that Jade was deceitful because this coin is not even a VG. Here's Doug's latest comments:

The auction you reference for the1806 is a crappy coin, and crappier than they say it is.
1. The coin has VG details, only on a good day (yes I have photograde and know what a VG half looks like).
2. The coin is damaged, cleaned etc., which makes it less than a VG.
3. From the photo, there is active PVC growing around the stars and LIBERTY (not mentioned in the description).
4. Clearly ANACS had a bad day when they graded this coin. You could never get it in another legitimate slab.
5. This coin is not worth the $175.00 that someone paid for it, so they got "top dollar" for it.

Furthermore, Jade Coin did this as a $1 auction with no reserve. Take a look at their other auctions. A VG fugio cent for $130? Way too cheap.

My point is this: why would a fellow forum member bash a dealer who is obviously above average in terms of business practice, especially on ebay? Am I crazy to just not drop this? Is the auction by Jade of the 1806 bust half (linked above) unscruptulous or deceitful?



  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    I'm not sure just how much more honest someone could be about a coin. I mean they call it JUNK in the title. What more should they say??

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    You forgot the "who cares?" option.

    Russ, NCNE
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    Russ, I bet you would care if Jade sold Kennedy halves no ebay!!! image
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    uh, that auction looks like the epitome of honesty to me.

    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,454 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perhaps there is an alternative here that has not been considered... If you want to buy nice coins or even consider becoming a serious collector, turn your computers off for a few hours and attend a coin show and see in person what you are missing by spending so much time behind a computer and not seeing real coins instead of images. The benefits of doing this will really help your abilities in the long term. But this is JUST A THOUGHT the cheap seats.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Ah, but Eddie, I buy more than just Kennedys. I got a Frankie in this very day.

    Russ, NCNE
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Ed (NOT Eddie)- Plenty to do with favoritism. Plenty of people jumped on that "get Jade Coin" bandwagon way back when. Now, they just show how stubborn they are.

    Just the other day, I commented how this coin had 1 big FULL thumbprint on the reverse at 11:00-12:00, a partial at 10:00 and another at 7:00. I was amazed that a coin selling for $16,750 would have a description with absolutely NO mention of the fingerprints!!


    Doug and other Members had plenty of time to complain about the incomplete auction description in this thread.


    But that would involve being critical of one of the "favored" dealers on this Forum. Seems there is a double standard involved. If incomplete auction descriptions are so terrible for one dealer Member of this Forum, then incomplete auction descriptions from all dealer Members should be criticized. Just my opinion. image
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    well DCAMFranklin, I must admit that you have shed some light on this issue. I guess that I am not crazy and I can get back to talking coins on the forum. If anything, I have learned to not be so quick to criticize people. That's a very interesting link you posted. Hmm.

    PS - thanks for not calling me Eddie. Can you talk some sense into Rusty? image
  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,420 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks straight up to me. Ebay is a great venue because it allows sellers to get the market price for less than perfect to downright problematic coins.

    The problem isn't junky coins on Ebay, the problem is the buyers don't take a disciplined approach to which coins they will or will not bid on. 99.9 percent of all issues can be removed by identifying problem areas and taking steps to understanding the coin for sale and the seller selling it.

    I have 500-600 Ebay coin transactions and have only been burned according to how far off track my self discipline has slipped....er...Knock on a wood.

  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    NumisEd, I'm beginning to think you are my little shadow. You openly ask me what I thought about the 1806 coin, and I told you what I thought about the coin. Now you flame me with a sarcastic poll. That was pretty good.
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Ed (NOT Eddie)- I can't imagine how a seller could be any tougher on a coin in their auction description. Heck, if I wanted that coin, I would almost feel stupid bidding on it! Whatever did or didn't happen between the numerous ID's on Ebay, really has no bearing on how Jade Coin is operating today. I'm happy to know you have found your purchases there to have gone well.

    PS - Sense?? image
  • au58au58 Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭
    Jade says coin is cleaned VG. Doug says coin is damaged or cleaned VG, or less than VG.
    Jade says coin is worth VG money or less. Doug says coin is not worth $175.00.
    Jade says ANACS overgraded. Doug says ANACS had a bad day.
    Sounds to me like Jade and Doug are in complete agreement.

    It's not Jade's fault that there are ignorant buyers on ebay.
  • And what the h*@l is DMWJR's problemimage
    Does he think Jade should have used "Crap" in the title instead of "Junk"image I count eleven (11) different bidders who had to have known what they would get, since the winner paid just over VG money FOB his own mailbox.

  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Satootoko, don't make me put my little sign back upimage

    NumisEd just asked me what I thought about this coin auction and I told him. People give their opinions on coin auctions on these boards all of the time. I didn't ask him to post this on a new thread and make further statements that I really did not make.

    The funny thing is somebody is probably going to buy it, crack it, doctor it up, and sell it for a F12 again like they did when they sent it to ANACS the first time.

    Does anyone remember the $20 that Legend bought for about $15K? Didn't it turn in the holder and show the doctoring about six months later? Didn't PCGS have to buy it back?
  • Jade's auction is about as honest as you can get. DCAMFranklin has made some good points here.
    Goug said
    People give their opinions on coin auctions on these boards all of the time. ...This is very true. BUT, I personally would back off after seeing that the majority of people do not agree with me. Just what I would do and just my opinion.......Ken
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    in the particular auction in question, no way. way above board. anacs is supposedly 1 of the "big 3", but this auction calls to question "buying the slab". furthermore, their terms sound exceptionally honoroable, ie. no reserve, no excessive shipping, generous return privilege. all this assumes absence of shillbidding, but i don't see the slightest hint of such in either of the 4 auctions. plus, for me, they bring up my biggest beef about slabs - buying sight-unseen

    like i said before, i think dmwjr is sincerely trying to do the right thing. may not have worked out, ie, i think the arguments were effectively refuted, but no need to slam the guy for being sincere.

    bottom line: (1) a pattern of wrongdoing on the part of the jade boys has NOT been established & (2) nobody has stepped forward as a victim of alleged deceptive advertising (at least on this forum)

    put it another way: there's bigger fish to fry. sounds like doug has realized it's time to drop this 1, believe me, there's plenty of genuinely shady characters to go after. time to move on.

    just my worthless opinoin

    K S

    btw, i didn't actually see a poll, am i missing something?

    edited to add: agree w/ coinkat 150%
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Ken and Karl are right. It is time to move on. image

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