*Star* designation...

What is it? I have read threads on this site (PCGS) and NGCs website that referred to the "Star" designation, but, noone has explained exactly what the "Star" designation is used for. Does it signify Premium Quality, as in high end of the grade, or is it something entirely different?
Thanks, Jim
Thanks, Jim
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
<< <i> The only expalnation I can provide other than pure inconsistency or incompetence, is that these coins could not be fairly described as being truly rainbow toned on most of their surfaces >>
You are missing the point. The star cannot be applied "consistently" because it has nothing to do with the coins grade or grading consistency. It is merely an acknowledgement that the graders at NGC think that a particular coin in question is exceptionally pretty. As we know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It does not denote that the coin is PQ grade wise. A star coin can be toned or blast white.
First POTD 9/19/05!!
the star designation is the most subjective of all things that the services put on their holders i am sure that there are some coins that are stars but do not get it
the star has nothing to do with the grade nothing doesnot mean high end or low end
i have seen one png dealer for the last six months keep referring to star coins in his coin world ads as ngc saying the coin is high end for the grade!!!!!! i called ngc about it and they said they would talk to him about it at fun 2003 i still see him do this high end thing with star coins so if a PROFESSIONAL DEALER in millions of dollars of coins everyday in the market cant understand it how can us collectors? i have seen this at other top dealers also either in verbal word or in print refer to star coins as high end for the grade!
if a coin is qualified to be able to looked at because of the star then all three graders have to agree FOR THE STAR
GOOD? ??????????????????????
now are there some coins that do not have the star on the holder that are star yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could there be a star coin out there that some say is well not a star? i have no doubt
but remember we live in an imperfect world and grading is an art not an exact science where 2 +2 equals 4
for the most part 99% of the star coins are exceptional really much so and this is the way it should be so let them be hard to get i mean in the olympics they cant give the gold to all even if some of the second finalists come within .10 secojnds of the winner such is the imperfect world we live in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but as with anything else BUY THE COIN NOT THE HOLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUY THE COIN NOT THE HOLDER
ALSO FOR BLAST WHITE CAMEO COINS say a seated quarter ,in proof WHERE the coin is lets say deep cameo on the obverse and only cameo on the reverse these should get the star
i guess i could go on AND ON ABOUT THE CRITERIA ABOUT THE STAR BUT it would fill volumes on here
and after seeing all the many posts on ngccoin.com forums with john maben answerring questions about the star on many threads gpoing back 6 months or more and talking to the people at ngc is is just not an easy cut and dried answer i think
someone shuold copy all the star posts from ngc boards and put it together as the way john maben answered many many questions if you read all the questions and then the answers you would not only understand the star better you would REALLY GET IT!! JOHN MABEN WENT INTO EXACTING DETAIL ABOUT IT i read all over and over
and like someone above said some ngc star coins are better then the same grade pcgs coins! can be true yes yes yes
now to get a star on some modern coins say after 1945 well with the minting process out there being good or better than before 1900and the way the coins were stored much better t4echnical storage options a star is for me okie
for coins after 1960 no big deal for a star in my opinion
now within my speciality the star for coins proof coins before 1920 wow wow wow
and even morsso for mintstate coins especially so beforte 1900
any mintstate pre civil war federal coin with a star is downright fantastic and rare and i am sure for the above coins i mentinoed they really look carefyully at it then most!
and if the pre civil war coin is a star and like a 67 68 then it has got to be a really superb rare bird! one in a million
again for modern coins i am sure it is great but for me coins minted after 1960 with the advanced minting processes they got and the storage of coins are more advanced the star is good but not so much great for me
but i am sure there might be excpetinos to the rules ands after lets say 1980 1985 all mint made coins are stars for the most part if they are not then do not buy them but the ugly made ones will be the exception not the rule! truth is always stranger than fiction!
if you want specific answers to specific coins then pm me nogov and i can answer your questions
now for example
taKE FOR EXAMPLE A GREAT TONED COIN mintstate BUT IT HAS not alot of lustre underneath the toning in mintstate maybe a great toned coin but no star
say it has a slight weakness of strike that you can see maybe no star lets say an ugly trace of a SPOT STAIN THAT IS MINOR no star
it is just a professional opinion of top graders doing this for LIVING DAY IN AND DAY OUT THAT have seen msany great coins and they know for a series waht is a great special star coin
and remember if all agree and the finalizer rejects it then no star so if one out of four says no then no star
sincerely michael
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath away.
hi........about the star on ngc...........lets say ngc grades a 1958 washington quarter , and they grade it a ms65.........,that is the grade of the coin...nothing more nothing less.......however it has, beautiful mint set toning, something that...{stands out above the other ms65 washington quarters}.because it has that super eye appeal........they would give it the star..............or lets say you have a 1945 mercury dime, it is full blast white...untoned........and they grade the coin ms66.........but because of the blast white appearence, and lack of any bad marks.,and it has full blooming mint luster......it too could receive the star.....................just keep this in mind..............if the coin stands out for the grade....and has great eye appeal.something that stands out amoung the others..ngc will give it the star.no matter what the grade.......hope this helps.........ron
Thank you Ron. So now is NGC going to have twice the Registry Sets since each series can now be collected in non-star and star, or will there just be extra points for the star designation within any particular series?
hi again jim..as of now iam not sure if they will have two types of sets.........however as time passes it would not supprise me if they do end up having a special set for coins that do have the star........but be sure and keep this in mind...........very few coins will ever receive the...star....as they are rare.there just isnt enough coins out there that ...{stand-out}...and have that....{very special eye appeal}........if you happen to come across any of them, and can afford them, as they do sell for much more...i would buy them.......like i said..........they are rare indeed........thanks for the message, and i hope this helps........pm me anytime..........take care......ron
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath away.