? For the Jefferson Collectors

I want to put together a set of PCGS or NGC MS 65 FS Jeffs. What would you think a set like this will set me back? What are the toughest coins to get or are they all pretty common in 65 FS?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
"The last thing we want to see is a smoking gun. A gun smokes after it's been fired…. If someone waits for a smoking gun, it's certain we will have waited too long."
Depends on if you are doing 38-64 or 64-03. There are some dates that it will be impossible for you to find MS65 FS jeffs in at any price, they simply do not exist or there are so few they never hit the market. Most dates will come fairly cheap, $50 range for MS65FS. Other dates will cost more. I suspect you could probably put a nice nearly complete MS65 38-64 set for about two grand with most of the keys in FS. The 38's a hard to find as well as most of the 1950's in FS. The war nicks are easy to find in 65 for the most part, save the 45-P, 45-S, and the 42-S but can still be had. The true keys are the early 60's branch (D) mints in FS, you may have to buy an ANACS (if you can find any).
NGC has a higher standard for the FS designation than PCGS. PCGS requires 5 full steps while NGC requires 6 steps. I would buy an NGC FS coin any day for the same money over a PCGS. NGC may be a little more liberal on the grade but not the steps.