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Looking for a price for Slabbed Jeffs

Could someone please let me know where to find a current pric guide for PCGS and NGC slabbed Jeffs. Is it the blue sheet? If so or if anyone has an extra copy of what i'm looking for i'd be willing to buy it off ya. Let me know. Also if anyone has the current pop reports for PCGS and NGC Jefferson nickels i'd buy that from ya as well.


"The last thing we want to see is a smoking gun. A gun smokes after it's been fired…. If someone waits for a smoking gun, it's certain we will have waited too long."


  • If I am interested in a specific date and grade, I check completed items in the advanced search on eBay. What you can buy it for on eBay really gives you a better idea of the price of an item. Especially if that is where you are going to sell them anyway.

    If you are a member of the PCGS Collector's Club (Gold or Platinum.) you can sign up and get a password to access the online Pop reports.

    imageimageSee ya on the other side, Dudes. image
  • The heitage coin web site will give you past auction results, along with Ebay, and the PCGS coin guide you can get a good feel for what coins will set you back.

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