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What do you all think of this Microscope for Coins?

What do you all think of this Microscope for Coins?
Here is the link

I've been told by a few people that this is a great Scope for coins, I would like to get all your opinions image

One last question, what Magnifications would you get ? >10x/20x, 10x/30x,
or 20x/40x ?

Thanks as always

Have a great day today.
John-3:16 & Psalms-23
B Co.1st Blt.7th Marines
1st Platoon Nam 67


  • tjkilliantjkillian Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭
    My wife got me one two years ago and it is terrific. I have the 10x/30x which is just fine for coins. At 10x you can see entire Indian Cent. At 30x, you can really tell overdats and other aspects of the coin. Easy to use. Can be used to view other objects, such as when my little boy has a splinter that is so small you can't even see it.


  • You'd get all the magnifications. Seems a bit overkill to me. Whats wrong with a Jewelers loop. You can get a great one from www.widgetsupply.com Get the BCT11 10x-21mm. It runs for $17.97 and comes with a leather pouch. I use this myself. image
  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,420 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I own it and love it. Mine is a 10X30. I like it because with a loupe you can only see a small portion of a coin. With the magnifier you see the whole coin at 10X. Blast it up to 30 and you can see the little germ colonies on the coin and watch their society grow. The 30X magnifier is a must for comfortably looking for varieties like RPMM, die cracks, doubling etc.


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