Coin dealers: Have you ever considered going public?

Have you ever considered becoming a public company and offering stock to the public? Why or why not? I don't know anything about business, but this is something that I've wondered about.
Is there any way for an individual to invest in your business?
Is there any way for an individual to invest in your business?
a couple that come to my mind are
Heritage, Superior Galleries, ???? Pinnacle??? DHRC ???
Enough said.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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If it is a corporation, you can purchase shares and obtain a percentage
of ownership. You must be careful, however, because anything less than
50% ownership means you basically have no say in how things are run,
and not being publicly traded, there are far fewer rules and regulations
that must be adhered to. For instance, if there is $100,000 in profits at
year-end, is that going to be put back into the business, distributed as
a dividend to shareholders, or paid as a bonus to the company execs?
You may have limited options when it comes time to sell your shares.
You can also invest in partnerships or sole-proprietorships, becoming a
partner in the venture, or through a loan earning a specific rate of
In any case, as in any business venture, you must do your homework
and makes sure everything is spelled out very clearly in any agreements.
By checkered past I am talking about bankruptcy, felony convictions, wire fraud {bounced checks}, etc. Of the dealers already mentioned I am unaware of such a history. Attend any major auction and keep your ears and eyes open and you will hear who bounced checks who have not paid on $100,000s of invoices and the like.
So what about the top execs of some of those corporations, how did they get where they are (where) when they are doing such crooked stuff? I'm thinking Enron, Global Crossing, etc.
At least with coin dealers, you soon realize that you have to carefully watch EVERY transaction.
Most dealers see no need in going corporate - you pay taxes twice on the same money.
To travel on in old accustomed ways
I still remember the talks by the water
The proud sons and daughter
That knew the knowledge of the land
Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways