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Neat Coin Received in Change Today

With Alabama quarters starting to circulate, I've been keeping an eye out in my change to see what comes up. Today as I was getting my change for an egg mcmuffin and coffee I received this:


Looked like a pretty beat up Alabama quarter which was odd, since they've only been in circulation for less than a month - anyway as I looked and turned the coin, this happened:


All of the sudden part of the lettering, including the mint mark dissapeared. When I brought it home and looked at it under a loupe, it appears that the coin was struck with a greased die, and the letters of United, Trust, and the mint mark, are almost invisible when you look at the coin at an angle. Weird and interesting little specimen.



  • I'm telling you, there some gems to be found in pocket change....
  • ToneloverTonelover Posts: 1,554
    Sell it on ebay, quick!
  • I'll give you five dollars for it. image
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You will probably get $50.00 or so on eBay since it is the new state quarter.
  • Parasite/Kingcoin could probably take it on consignment and ask a million for it...even though it isn't a precious and rare die crack...image
  • morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    Cool Coin. I got a Delaware "the first stat" struck through grease in a bar when that was the current quarter. I asked the bartender for another four dollars in quarters trying to find another in his roll. He told me that the cigarette machine was broken and acted like I was crazy when I asked for the quarters anyway
    I collect circulated U.S. silver
  • I got a 1966 Denmark dime for change today..........Ken
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    ksteelheader, that would be interesting, but you said in another post that you were in Denmark on vacation this week.

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