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Economy $300.00 or less requirement

sadysta1sadysta1 Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭
This is something I cannot figure out; why is there an upper limit on economy coins ($300.00) in the first place? I know that many people will not send a coin for certification unless it is worth couple hundred dollars. Secondly if a coin is send economy service (example worth $300.00 in MS65 but it's graded MS66 and value jumps to $1500.00) the coin is shipped back underinsured.

Any thoughts on raising the limit to at least $1000.00 or abolishing it altogether?

Thank you


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    The minimums are part of our pricing structure. We have given them a lot of thought. We feel our pricing structure now matches the demand for our product and that's what we should be doing as a business.
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