Lawyers here, i want your advice on a coin related matter. update with thankyou to most and responce

You can either respond here or pm me.
I am trying to plan for all possible outcomes in my current financial situation, including in a worst case scenario possible bankruptcy.
My father who is not an attorney told me that bancruptcy would protect us from losing our home and my retirement account and might even protect whats left of my coin collection. Is there any truth in what my father said ? Les
I am trying to plan for all possible outcomes in my current financial situation, including in a worst case scenario possible bankruptcy.
My father who is not an attorney told me that bancruptcy would protect us from losing our home and my retirement account and might even protect whats left of my coin collection. Is there any truth in what my father said ? Les
The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Any lawyers familiar with the specifics?
Joe T
<< <i>You can either respond here or pm me.
I am trying to plan for all possible outcomes in my current financial situation, including in a worst case scenario possible bankruptcy.
My father who is not an attorney told me that bancruptcy would protect us from losing our home and my retirement account and might even protect whats left of my coin collection. Is there any truth in what my father said ? Les >>
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
Generally speaking, bankruptcy laws do provide protection of certain necessities and sometimes varying amounts of personal possessions. Homesteads are typically protected but the presence of a mortgage secured by the homestead becomes more complicated.
Do seek qualified local counsel and good luck with your situation.
<< <i>I'm no Lawyer, but I know if I had to file.......... They wouldn't hear about no coin collection. >>
All it takes is one creditor who knows about the unreported collection and mentions it to the U.S. Trustee, and you're on your way to looking at striped sunshine at the Greybar Hotel, for bankruptcy fraud and/or perjury (federal offenses), since the Petition is signed under oath with a statement that all property is scheduled.
Exemptions vary somewhat from State to State, but In California, New Mexico, Arizona, North and South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, and the District of Columbia, where I have had occasion to deal with bankruptcy cases, only a nominal value of your collection would be exempt from creditor claims. The best legal advice you will ever get is "Consult a local attorney knowledgeable in debt relief" before you run out of options.
Get a lawyer if you think bankruptcy is inevitable.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Look at it this way, you are getting a great free ride by not paying for things you bought. Someone does have to pay and eat the loss. The right and fair thing to do is be honest. Say you are writing off $50k that's a great deal. So what if a $10k coin collection is liquidated, still a super return!
Also amazing that people come on an internet coin forum asking for personal legal advice. You get what you pay for I guess.
...These are good observations.....I agree completely.....Ken
10 years later, im about 23k in debt...and have 6-7 other cards each good for 7500-10k
feel free to pm with questions, ill be glad to answer em.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Just make sure your relative or friend is a true friend!
I guess bankruptcy is a big game to some.
It's just that "something for nothing" mentality that kills me.
WSM, you just confirmed everything I already thought about your intelligence...
Barberlover - don't be stupid. Don't add the burden of fraud onto your already regretable situation. Sell the coins - they are just possessions. Isn't the ability to sleep easily far more important than any material possession?
Aldous Huxley
Yabba dabba doo.
Fred Flintstone
Point well taken. I probably read too fast and missed the point about the money going to the creditors, then buying the collection back later. Sounds pretty honorable to me. Sorry for misunderstanding. But what some of the others are saying about maxing out credit cards, etc; Where does the word ethics come in?
Furthermore, From someone I know who is very involved in all thes proceedings, they want, and need, a certain amount of these to happen as write offs
Bullchit! Sounds like a stupid urban legend to me.
<< <i>My company recently got stiffed for over $200,000 on a bankruptcy. Ouch....
Furthermore, From someone I know who is very involved in all thes proceedings, they want, and need, a certain amount of these to happen as write offs
Bullchit! Sounds like a stupid urban legend to me. >>
Are you sure? Did you take economics? Why are people winning such large Lawsuits. The principle is "re-distributing the wealth" Go tell a PHD at Harvard that its Bull. It may cause your blood to boil, but it's a fact. I was amazed when my professor brought this up. I am not saying it's right, I'm saying it's the game. I feel for you If you got stiffed over $200,000.00, but I have to question how a person got into a position of being owed 200k with that much vulnerability.
It's the cost of doing business, people who can lose a lot, are known to be able to make a lot.
Dave Thomas came back with a vengeance and created Thousands of jobs. The list goes on and on.
There are many ways to get into that position, but most of them involve having lots of customers owing you lots of money. If you never take a credit related loss, you probably aren't doing enough business.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
<< <i>I have to question how a person got into a position of being owed 200k with that much vulnerability
There are many ways to get into that position, but most of them involve having lots of customers owing you lots of money. If you never take a credit related loss, you probably aren't doing enough business. >>
Exactly, but good practice sets up a corp to absorb that loss. If it gets out of hand, you are two weeks away from the poor house, claiming Bankruptcy
In a normal Chapter 7 filing, the US Trustee just liquidates by selling everything at a fire sale value. When we did the liquidating Ch. 11, the owner was able to control the liquidation of his inventory and sell it for the maximum he could using his expertise and knowledge of the industry, therefore maximizing the recovery for the creditors. The bankruptcy left him with just a little debt left to work off, which he was able to do.
Yes, I am and yes, I did.
If you want to state that the lenders price their product agressively taking a certain amount of bankrupt losses into account and that they make more money because of this pricing model, fine. But no lender wants or needs a certain level of bankruptcies.
What? Me worry? What a world.
For those of you who offered advice, whether i agreed with it or not, i appreciate the spirit in which it was offered and the piece that made the most sense to me was to consult a local attorney because laws on this matter can very from state to state, so thanks again to those who offered this kind of advice.
I have tried to avoid the tit for tat type of arguement here for a long time now because it generally goes no where but i have to respond to the tone of 2 points and 1 person inparticular.
First of all, i can't speak to dishonost intentions of some people, but if anyone was questioning my honosty in the post, i suggest you go back and reread what i said to begin with, not the responces but what i said !
Now, as to the point of Bumpy, does anyone remember a post someone made here a few months ago that among other things said that people will talk to you in a different way on the internet then they will in person ?
Bumpy, you don't know me, your a newer member and i dont recall ever having a chat with you before, yet you feel free to acuse me of sniveling and that i should be a man. I won't put this the way i would like to but for someone i don't know to speak to me like that it would carry more weight if you did it face to face.
I got dumped by my employer after 17 and a half years due to health problems, your tone is like kicking a man when he's down and i consider that below the belt. If your not
an attorney and didn't have anything constructive to say, then there was no need to respond at all. In the future i suggest if you can't respond to my posts without personal attacks [not dissagrements, but personal attacks] then please refrain from doing so.
I hope i have never said anything to anyone on these boards even if we didn't agree, that i wouldn't say in person, it would be nice if everyone else did the same. Les
<< <i>Dont waste a Bankruptsy on anything less than $300,000, they will treat you the same as filing on $30,000! Max out all the cards you can get your hands on! Take advantage of the Self Storage down the street!
I hope you are joking. If not, I feel sorry for you.
<< <i>Max out all the cards you can get your hands on! Take advantage of the Self Storage down the street! WSM, you just confirmed everything I already thought about your intelligence... Barberlover - don't be stupid. Don't add the burden of fraud onto your already regretable situation. Sell the coins - they are just possessions. Isn't the ability to sleep easily far more important than any material possession? >>
TDN- This is twice now, in two weeks, you've more than impressed me with your wisdom. Your words are dead on.
barberlover, you really dont need an attorney, if you feel you cant make out the papers your self, get a paralegal! Its really simple, the judge will ask you a few questions about what you wrote and say "I hope you learned your lesson about getting over your head"!
So if I have $90K of indebtedness with no ability to pay the money owed to my creditors, I shouldn't consult with an attorney to see if the best thing for me to do is seek relief under the bankruptcy laws?
My $90K of indebtedness might not be a big deal to someone else but, in general, why would it be "far too valuable to waste on $100K or less?" Can you you explain what you mean, satootoko?
If I'm unemployed, have exhausted my savings buying food and paying for the roof over my head, owe a hospital and doctors, say $60K, because I had a major operation that saved my life but unfortunately I have no medical insurance, and owe various other creditors a modest $30K, should I just go to a financial counselor so that he can tell me what I already know?:
"Your broke, mister. You have indebtedness beyond your ability to pay. You should consult with an attorney and discuss filing bankruptcy."
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
However, you can't ignor the last line of the quote you posted: unless knowledgeable experts fully familiar with the facts of your case tell you to proceed.
<< <i>
First of all, i can't speak to dishonost intentions of some people, but if anyone was questioning my honosty in the post, i suggest you go back and reread what i said to begin with, not the responces but what i said !
Now, as to the point of Bumpy, does anyone remember a post someone made here a few months ago that among other things said that people will talk to you in a different way on the internet then they will in person ?
Bumpy, you don't know me, your a newer member and i dont recall ever having a chat with you before, yet you feel free to acuse me of sniveling and that i should be a man. I won't put this the way i would like to but for someone i don't know to speak to me like that it would carry more weight if you did it face to face.
I got dumped by my employer after 17 and a half years due to health problems, your tone is like kicking a man when he's down and i consider that below the belt. If your not
an attorney and didn't have anything constructive to say, then there was no need to respond at all. In the future i suggest if you can't respond to my posts without personal attacks [not dissagrements, but personal attacks] then please refrain from doing so.
I hope i have never said anything to anyone on these boards even if we didn't agree, that i wouldn't say in person, it would be nice if everyone else did the same. Les >>
Well, I just spent about two hours responding to this and AOL booted me and I lost it all before I could post it and I don't have the energy to try and rewrite the entire thing. It was pretty dang long, believe me.
Anyway, to paraphrase: When I made the statement, "If you gotta file bankruptcy...etc" I was using "you" in the general sense and not directing it at you in particular, barberlover. I was reacting to the various suggestions involving fraud, theft, lying, etc. I'd kinda forgotten the original question by that point. As far as your contention that I'd contributed nothing of value to the discussion, why, I must protest. To paraphrase: Be responsible, buck up, move on.
I believe in being responsible for the debt I've created for myself. In the greedy, litigious society we've created that makes me a bit of a schmuck.
I also believe that there are circumstances where bankruptcy is about the only viable solution.
Fearless self-honesty will help one decide the right path.
It kills me when so many "good, honest" people have no problem padding their insurance claims, cheating on their taxes, cheating their employers, abusing the bankruptcy laws, etc, etc.
And I realize it's not just individuals. Government waste, corporate thievery, welfare fraud, frivolous lawsuits, the mockery of religion, it all sickens and disgusts me at times. All I can do is do what I know to be right.
Man, I'm just rambling.
I did want to try and make a point or two here I think.
First, an observation: a certain member, who apparently travails in that bastion of ethics that is his namesake, proposes you max out your credit cards and avail yourself of off-site storage, yet has the audacity to include "Tell the truth and the truth will set you free" in his sig line. Now that's world-class hypocricy!
But back to you, barberlover. In the short time I've been on these boards I've surmised that a)you're overweight, b)you injured your knee at work (due in part, I suspect, to your weight), c)you were terminated due to your inability to continue to perform your duties, and, d)you hang out on these boards, sitting on the pity pot and begging people to tell you what to do with yourself. If you feel like that's an unfair characterization, sorry, but that's what I get. I can only say that life is hard (even when it's going good), we all have problems, other people are generally less interested in our problems than they let on, and we ultimately have to face and deal with them on our own. So buck up, man, sell your coins if you have to, file bankruptcy if you have to, learn a new trade, write a book, go back to school, become a dealer, WHATEVER.
Just quit yer sniveling
Aldous Huxley
Yabba dabba doo.
Fred Flintstone
Aldous Huxley
Yabba dabba doo.
Fred Flintstone