Went diggin in a junk box today

Went to one of the few local stores around here today...........a little hole in the wall called Robinsons Coins. They deal mainly in raw circ stuff, but they do have some nice coins if you don't mind looking for em. Anyway, nothing really jumped out and screamed "Buy Me!" so I picked up a couple coin mags, a bottle of nic-a-date to play with some dateless buffs I have, and then went scrounging in the junk box............found 7 circ war nicks that I got for $1.25, not the greatest(F-VF), but I'm trying to put together a set of silver nicks, so they'll work for now. Also found an 1893 Indian Head cent that is a reddish bluish purplish color........it looks like it was cleaned at one time, and then was retoned, either naturally or otherwise. AT or not, it's pretty, and it only cost me a buck. Now if I can figger out how to get a good pic of it.