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Bill of Rights Coin?? Scan Added!

I have a one ounce silver coin about the size of a SAE and I am not sure what it is. I do believe it has something to do with the Bill of Rights. I also believe that there is more of these out there. On the obverse it has a picture of 3 men, one of them carrying a flag and the others have muskets. Around the rim is says " The Right To Bear Arms". On the reverse, it says "Johnson Matthey" on the top rim and in the middle of the coin it says "Assayers Refiners, 1 ounce troy Fine Silver. And on the bottom it has the intials JM with a picture of a hammer and a chisel crisscrossed. No date on the coin.

Can anyone tell me about this coin and if there are others that go with it (the other rights) like the right to free speech, etc...

Here is the scan.




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