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Kennedy Half Profile size

Greetings clever board members. I was dreaming of a type set and see that the Kennedy half profile is larger on my 1976 than on the 2000. Can anyone tell me when the change ocurred? Personally, I like the larger profile better. Thanks for the help!
Goin' For The Platinum!


  • There was a die change from 70 to 71, obviously 76 required one, I believe in the 84/85 time frame there may have been a third one, and maybe one other one in the late 90's. I'm just going by memory of what I recall from my Kennedy's visually, perhaps one of the Kennedy collectors has seen something more concrete.

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    The most radical obverse die change occured with the 1991 coins. That's when they switched to the sunken cheek, stylized hair, beedie eyed, fruitie looking portrait.

    BTW, I like the original better.

    Russ, NCNE

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