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Are you loyal to a particular seller?

RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
To expand on two issues from previous threads, hypothetically there is a coin that you wish to purchase, it is tops on your wantlist, and 3 dealers are offering it for sale. The coins are equal in appeal and quality, and the prices are final prices and indicated next to the dealer's letter.

Dealer A ($6000 coin) is a dealer with whom you have made numerous purchases in the past, delivers great service, offers approval/return services, dealer B ($5500 coin) is someone you have never worked with before and have no previous relationship or knowledge, and dealer C ($5000 coin) is someone who has been criticized in the past by several members of this open forum for poor customer care tactics.

From which dealer do you buy the coin?

Edited to change conditions from coins being offered at a show to coins being offered for sale online, by mail, or any other way but in person.


  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    This one is actually quite easy for me. Since we are talking about a show where we can look at all three coins, and if they are indeed equal, I would buy from dealer C. I don't need a return policy on coins I buy in person. Now if this was online, or mail order, I would definitely stick to the dealer I have dealt with before and pay a premium for the peace of mind.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    K6AZ, good point. I am going to change the conditions in the question.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    the ONLY factor for me would be the coin. do i like it? really really like it?

    but all other things being equal (which is very seldom, since very few of the coins i collect are "equal"), i would buy from the dealer that has been most fair to me

    K S
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    OK, so now are we talking about offers from a mailing list?
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The coins are offered for sale by any means except not in person. Could be Coin World ad, website, ebay, etc.

    By the way, what does K6AZ stand for?
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    OK, so you are saying basically sight unseen, in which case I would go with one of my trusted dealers I have dealt with before.

    K6AZ is my amateur radio callsign. Another expensive hobby!
  • Given the choices, the first thing I would do is tell my preferred seller that his prices were a bit too high compared to others, and ask him if he could come down to their levels. Generally speaking, if sellers know the coin is sold and they'll make something on it they'll be open minded. If there is a stated return privilige and seller A won't budge, I'd take a stab at seller B. I would be reluctant to try seller C on such a large purchase, but might call them and find out about the coin - just to get a feel for the atmosphere, but as I said - I'd be reluctant on such a high dollar purchase (for me).

  • The "real" problem for me with this type of poll is the presumption that multiple dealers can have the same coin i'm looking for! Just doesn't happen unless you're into generic or modern stuff that's all white.

    For me.....in searce of monster toned, as high a grade as i can stomach, and "key" date if possible coins........well, not a reality based hypothesis in my psyche.

    Sometimes it takes me years to find a coin that meets my heart racing standards.......so to find 3 similiar look coins is what dreams are made of.

    Also......loyalty is not applicable in this case either. With a mate.....YES! Stray once and you're disloyal. But when purchasing anything you've got to buy where it's available. Is a dealer not loyal because he "sells" to anyone else but you? Or "buys" from anyone
    else than even a few inner circle dealers? I think not, and most dealers are open minded enough to understand they might not have everything i or any other regular buyer might need.

    Finally......if i were given the simple choices you outline.....and IF that certain coin were available from 3 sources.....choice 1 or 2 would be
    acceptable in my eyes. The 1st dealer might even be my 1st choice afer contacting him and asking him if he had a little room on his coin since another was available elsewhere at a reduced price. If he didn't, and i wasn't asking this question on every coin i bought from him.......then most likely THIS coin was special anyway! With a return offered, and most everything i buy is thru the mail.......i'd probably take the chance to see what this coin offered.

    Repeat business is more earned thru offering new material at fair value for what's recieved. Terms are a deciding factor for me.....and often worth the slightly higher price in the long run. It often allows the purchase of a coin not otherwise attainable!

    BTW, when dealing thru the mails a return policy on coins is a must! Other consumer goods not so important. My loyalty can more simple and accurately be stated as a simple repeat and regular customer following.
    Joe T
    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • No question dealer A......if you are a long term collector. The $1000 extra will be made up many, many times in the future in different ways including less hassle and more enjoyment. This is not theoretical for me I've been buying from dealers for 40+ years and have made most mistakes possible times two. A trusted, knowledgable dealer with integrity is worth the few dollars extra...wish I had known this the first 15 years.
    Collect for enjoyment
  • I'm with Frank the pug....I would want to give my preferred dealer first crack at my money, but I'd try to talk him down a little to make both of us satisfied.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • meos1meos1 Posts: 1,135
    I always work in a circle of known quantities. For the most part ebay has been come an unknown quantity. Whats is advertised and what is delivered is often very different. Some sellers (dealers) are straight up. some are not. Find the best deal for money you can afford and buy the coin coin that looks best while meeting this criteria. Theres no game here. If you want a shell game go to NYC!

    I am just throwing cheese to the rats chewing on the chains of my sanity!

    First Place Winner of the 2005 Rampage design contest!

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