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Non Graded Slabs

This might be a silly question but I have this problem....I have hundreds of coins that are not "worth" slabbing in the traditional sense. The problem is I dont collect coins for investm,ent or sale, and even though they might not be the best garde. I love the bloody things (God help me). The idea that these coins will be allowed to deteriorate just kills me. So, does anybody know of a company that will slab coins (cheaper than PCGS or NGC) just to protect them for posterity.. Sorry this is so long


  • I am not absolutely sure but I think anacs has a service where it does authentication only but like I said i am not sure
  • Thanks Red..By the way. I have been to all the places on your signpost....In a power outage Iam very popular.....(its a glow in the dark kind of thing, heheh. Never been to the secret bunker, lying)
  • www.amosadvantage.com has do it yourself slabs, they look like the real deal. They will keep the coins from getting scratched or nicked but the jury is still out on seeing if it protects from toning or other contamination. I use the coinworl supreme slabs they work grat same size and feel of a PCGS but its only $4.95 for 3 of them.

  • Thanks Bigern...thats just what Iam looking for
  • There's always ACG!!image
  • ACG......I thought I heard they were bankrupt........Oh just figured it out...not financially bankrupt..just morally. from what I have read they will slab a dead dog and call it a matter of judgement. Sue me you WANKERS

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