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DISCUSS your most favorable coin transaction with a dealer........

SethChandlerSethChandler Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭✭
In light of an annoying(IMHO)thread, lets talk about a coin and how the dealer treated you in the transaction(your favorite).

Years ago, I developed a passion for territorial gold. I love 'em, simple as that. Lots of American history behind these pieces. I read & reread Don Kagin's book on the subject. At the ANA show, I made a beeline to his table to check out his inventory. As you could imagine, the man that wrote the book(really!) had an AMAZING selection. Several dozen coins, mostly slabbed. Bechtler, Humbert, Schultz, $50 slugs, and my personal favorite, Clark & Gruber. We probably talked for a good 45 minites. He took the time to answer every single one of my questions, and, most importantly I examined almost every coin in his inventory. My interest focused on a PCGS 1861 Clark & Gruber $10 coin. After a couple of minutes of haggeling, we settled on a price of $3200. I paid cash, "done deal",and started to table hop. An ideal coin transaction......I learned, viewed dozens of rare specialty coins, made a new contact, and bought a great coin at what I believed was a FAIR price.

Two hours later, Mr. Kagin walked up to me on the bourse, and tells me that there is a problem. He then proceeds TO HAND ME BACK $300!!!!!!!! "I accidentaly charged you to much" was his reply...."keep in touch". I'm sure all board members have engaged in hundreds of transactions but I'm sure that very few have ended like this. Now, mind you, I had seen similar pieces sell for a little more...so this was not a case of a naive buyer paying super high retail. The first price was FAIR. The second price MUCH better.

Stand up guy.

Collecting since 1976.


  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    Kewl - you know - it's all about relationships. This afternoon I went by my local dealer - chatted a bit - then he brought out a few Franklin halves that he wanted my opinion on. I looked them over and found a 1954P half with a bugs bunny die clash - I told him about it and told him also that the only ones that I had heard about were 1951 and 55, so that was kinda cool - he found something that he didn't know he had. So as I was getting ready to leave I asked to pay for a roll of Alabama quarters that I was going to buy, and he only charged me $10 - which I thought was rather nice. I worked a little for him and he repaid the favor - works for me! image
  • SethChandlerSethChandler Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like a cool guy.
    Collecting since 1976.
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    There was a dealer in San Antonio that would buy coins at 70% of greysheet. I asked what they would pay for problem proof sets. Answer was 70% of greysheet. I brought in a few BADLY toned clad proof sets--these were ugly. Must have been stored in a very damp area. They paid me 70% of sheet, sight seen. The guy who bought them said they would just dip them. I thought to myself.... that's not going to work on clad coins. My next trip back, the guy noted--"Those proof coins would not dip out." But I didn't own them anymore!
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,763 ✭✭✭✭
    My best dealer deal was with Wayne Herndon. I was in a money crunch and needed some cash, so I sent him a list of some moderns I had...............and he gave me a more than fair offer for the coins, sight unseen. Later that week, I met up with him at a show and he paid for em.............This guys a wealth of knowledge and is a super nice guy to deal with.

  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,997 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Steve Estes is my favorite dealer, and he was even before this happened back in 1995:

    I received his monthly inventory list in June. There was the coin I wanted/needed for my Morgan set, but was 2X the price I'd ever spent on any coin before -- a 1901-P Morgan MS62-PCGS. The price was $3,900.

    I called Steve and asked if he would let me take a while to make payments for it... like all summer.

    "Of course," he said. "Except I'm going to send it to you now."

    So the coin arrives and I open it up. I was excited even before I saw the coin. But when I pulled it out of the package I went semi-silly. I immediately picked up the phone.

    "Steve, this thing is amazing! It's gorgeous!! It's not a 62, it's a 63!!!"

    "I agree," he said.

    "When I'm through paying for this, I just have to give it a couple of trys at regrading."

    "Don't wait," said Steve. "Start trying now."

    It didn't go up on try #1.
    It didn't go up on try #2.
    It did go up on try #3... to MS63... at about the same time I made the last payment.

    I sent Steve a thank-you card and a check for four figures.
    When in doubt, don't.
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    DennisH, let me see if I have this correctly:

    The 01-P was graded as MS-62 3 times (at least), and graded as MS-63 1 time. Isn't the coin an MS-62? I mean 3 out of 4 times it came back as MS-62. Hmmm.
  • So when I was a kid I had a restrike of an Immunis Columbia colonial. It was dark, ugly and worth about $50 at that time, but it was as close as I was going to get to a real one and I loved that design.

    Fast forward to about 2 years ago when I'm talking to Gail Watson then of Bowers about my want list and I casually and facetiously mention, knowing that it could never happen, that I want them to find me the redbook plate coin Immunis Columbia.

    7 days later the coin is in my hand.

    Check it out, its the Eliasberg coin, PCGS MS 64 with tinges of red.

  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,997 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello NumisEd!

    That's certainly one way to look at it.

    Another way is that PCGS, knowing the value difference between a 62 and a 63 is roughly nine grand, took the cautious route in what theoretically could have been the first and only time the coin had been graded.

    But that didn't mean it was the accurate grade.

    Like I said in my post, I thought the coin was a 63 the instant I saw it.
    When in doubt, don't.
  • Singapore, that's awesome. Is the coin for sale? Do you have images? We are looking for a high grade Immunis Columbia. You are correct, that is one beautiful design!! Congratulations.
  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    On the buying end of it was last year. Rick Snow got a nice raw '56 Flyer (S3) in and had it listed as XF45. I put it on "hold". He took to Long Beach and PCGS slabbed it AU50. Rick's wife?? called me and told me to send a check for XX amount of dollars and that Rick was mailing it out to me from the show. The price was his initial price on the Raw coin. I called him and he stood his ground and says that the coin is XF45. That is also an example of a coin he will not photoseal. He did affix a PS sticker on the back but noted PS at XF45.

    On the selling end. I usually sell to members or as a last resort use ebay but did have quite a nice experience with JadeCoin at Central States last year in Columbus. That was the first time I have ever walked a show trying to sell coins. I was selling a collection for a friend at the time. I also sold some of it to Jonathon Kerns(??). The boys at Jade were a pleasure to sit and talk with and their offer was outstanding.
  • Hey Goose3, thanks for the compliment. We look forward to talking with you again at a future show. Are you going to CSNS in St. Louis? We will be at EAC (Cincinnati) in a couple of weeks, then we do CSNS immediately after EAC.
  • orevilleoreville Posts: 12,080 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Joe Flynn, Sr. let me have a gorgeous 1921-S half for $1.00 back in the mid 1960's since he took a liking to me. Grade? Very Fine condition. Couldn't beat the price.

    He really perked up my interest in coins. A world class guy. Too bad his son did not do things the way his Dad did.
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!

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