My Newest Morgan

Got this one just this morning after seeing it online over the weekend. The seller was nearby locally, so I emailed him to take a look at it in person, since his scan wasn't as clear as most. When I got there and he handed it to me, I WAS ONE HAPPY CAMPER!
The fields are a definite PL, with some of the usual "bag mark" hairlines in evidence. The marks on the cheek are not as deep as the scan implies, although there is a more serious hit on Liberty's chin. Being that it was still in the GSA box with COA made it more attractive to me, and it will reside with my '84. Just wanted to share this with everyone here!! 

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on; I don't do these things to other people, I require the same from them."
Hey, you're on a roll, that makes a couple of nice Morgan NEWPS for you!
Dash 8 variety. If the CC is normal, straight and centered, it is a Vam9; if the CC is tilted left it is a Vam12. Only minor die varieties exist for the '83CC; I only offer the Vam number for attribution.