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Looking towards Peace (this is NOT about IRAQ)

After purchasing a 20 cent piece Saturday, I noticed something I had been missing all this time about the 20 cent piece.

The Eagle on the 20 cent piece is NOT the Eagle on the quarter of the same time period. Specifically, the quarters of the time face left, while the Eagle on the 20 cent piece faces right.

As a curiosity, the claws that hold the arrows and the olive brach have also swapped. This reminded me of the story that President Truman changed the Presidential Seal so that the Eagle faced the olive branch (looks towards peace) rather than towards the arrows (war).

As I started looking, it seems that every Eagal on U.S. Coinage that holds an olive branch in one claw and arrows in the other is alwasy facing peace (olive branch) with the exception of the Heraldic Eagle design. Other Eagles that that seem to face the arrows is holding the arrows in both claws with the arrows below rather than to one side or the other. As an example, the Eagle on the Washington quarter holds arrows horizantally in both claws with an olive branch under the Eagle. In this case, the Eagle is facing the same direction the arrows are pointing (and would probably look funny if he was facing the other way).


  • Very good observation.I wasn't aware of that.
    This board is amazing...I learn something new evry time I log on. Thanx. Twowod

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