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I won an auction, never got the coin. Now what?

Couple Months ago, I won an auction for 1950 S/D Dime in Fine condition. Guy never sent the coin to me. Later him and I gave eachother a negative feedbacks. About one month later about 15 other bidders coplained about not geting their coins. Well so what do I do now? I guess no more coin right? I mean I dont even care about those $5 that I paid but how do I know that if he'll get into trouble?


  • For $5, let it go. It isn't worth any more time.
    Take a Look at My Auctions TOO My Auctions
  • i had the same thing happen to me. this is ebay . you get nailed once in a while. i wish i only got hit for $5. one thing you can look for from now on before you bid is look to see how many auctions the person is running. if he has 6 pages of auctions and they are all ending on the same day and most of them are expensive and most of them have bids and in the description of the auction it says he will be away for a while so dont be concerned if it takes awhile for him to ship the item then i would say STAY AWAY.TO ME THE FEEDBACKS DONT TELL THE WHOLE STORY. SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET SCREWED BUT WONT LEAVE A NEGATIVE FEEDBACK BECAUSE THEN THEY ARE AFFRAID OF GETTING A NEG FROM THE OTHER PERSON SO THEY JUST EAT THE LOSS. WHEN YOU PLAY YOU PAY. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE YOUR ONLY BAD EXPERIENCE.
  • sorry for the all caps at the end pf my reply. i forgot to get out of caps.i dont want to seem like i was yelling
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    Dron, you need to explain some more

    what auction service was it on?
    did the seller have any email contact with you after the sale?
    are they still selling on that service?
    are you sure that post office did not lose item?
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭
    This happened to me once on ebay with another type item, not a coin. Never got the item or my money back. Was able through ebay to get his telephone number but that was always an answering machine.

    With recently raising the reserves fees, why can:t ebay lift a finger to help the ripped off honest patrons and to weed out the riff-raff?image

    When I registered with ebay I had to give them my credit card number. This was years back, so is this still a requirement for someone new with them to register?
    How difficult would it be to arbitrate problem transactions and the judged losers card it drawn against per transaction and paid to winning party? If ebay has credit card with name, can:t they ban a person from ebay so these guys can:t just close one user name and open another to keep ripping off?

    These are not complicated legal cases. Everything is basically Bid..win..pay...send item....and there are written rules in stone for all of this to base judgements on.

    If ebay did make some effort in this area, I think many new buyers and returning old buyers would return to trade on their site knowing there are some Police around in this wild..wild west.

    My ebay auction(s)
    The setting up of other roads
    To travel on in old accustomed ways
    I still remember the talks by the water
    The proud sons and daughter
    That knew the knowledge of the land
    Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
  • Keep contacting all his future bidders until the coin arrives, it works for me! Only once did I have to bang on a door!
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭
    I have to take back some of my previous posting with the sentiment that ebay was not doing enough to stop the riff-raff image
    I just saw this thread on the other page and obviously they are doing something.
    Thread two pages back on ebay crooks caught

    Sorry, I was only giving my prospective from my own ebay experiences and did not see the whole picture.

    My ebay auction(s)
    The setting up of other roads
    To travel on in old accustomed ways
    I still remember the talks by the water
    The proud sons and daughter
    That knew the knowledge of the land
    Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
  • Islemangu - Why don't you turn on your PM? I've got a question for a Guamanian that would be waaaaaaaaay OT here!


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