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WHEW! Modern Results in! Finally upgraded one and added two new ones!

Wow! Lots of looking over on these. Only one goof, and that was a learning experience (the 1998 Roosie). My thoughts are in parens

1 9008nnnn 2002-S 5C PR69DC (69 with hopes and prayers of 70 - need to look at these differently) Great PQ coin, though!
2 900nnnn 2003-P SAC $1 MS67 (MS67 - very nice! My first 2003 Sac MS )
3 900nnnn 1992-S 50C Silver PR69DC (69DC)
4 900nnnn 1993-S 25C Silver PR69DC (69DC)
5 900nnnn 1976-S 50C Silver PR69DC (69DC - COOL! Needed one of these in silver)
6 900nnnn 1992-S 25C Silver PR69DC (69DC)
6 900nnnn 1992-S 25C Silver PR69DC (69DC)
7 900nnnn 1998-S 10C Silver PR68DC (69DC got to look at this one and do some learning. Dimes in proof have so little surface that they're hard to tell )
8 900nnnn 2001-S 10C Silver PR69DC(69DC)
9 900nnnn 2001-D SAC $1 MS67 (MS67 - YES!!!!!!!!)
10 900nnnn 1997-S 10C Silver PR69DC (69DC)
11 900nnnn 2003-D SAC $1 MS68 (MS67 - YES!!!!!!!!!)

Real cert numbers avail on request...

Overall, I'm super-pleased. I looked over those coins lots of times before submitting.


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