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Is this a doubled die, how much is it worth?

I have been looking through rolls of used lincolns and found one coins that is very strange. 1999 Lincoln Penny Double Die Reverse. It is clearly a doubled die. Most of the letters on the right side of Reverse side are clearly doubled. What is interesting about the coin is it is beat up that little chunks of the coin are came out of the coin but not too many of them. At a coin show, one of the Error Experts tolled me that it is double because you can see some line of the doubling that devides two letters. Mostly AMERICA "AM" and others. Any comments?


  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    My only comment is that you would be hard pressed to find any 1999 coin with a "doubled die;" technology just about eliminates the possibility. Is the "error expert" you mention a renowned error expert, or a self proclaimed expert?
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    its probably strike doubling.
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Undoubtedly strike doubling. In 1995, the mint adopted a new approach to the making of master hubs, dies, and working hubs, dies. It eliminates the possibility of a true doubled die. You can tell the difference by looking at the doubling. It will be flat and shelf-like on strike doubling.

    While some consider it damage, I personally think it is cool. However, unless it is severely doubled it is not worth much of a premium.

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