Mercury Dimes AU vs. low end MS

in Q & A Forum
What do graders look for in determining an AU58 Mercury Dime vs MS60 through MS62? I recently submitted a 1935 dime an it was graded AU58--I would like to know how to determine the difference, so I don't send coins in that just miss the grade. You help is appreciated.
And why don't AU58 get the FB designation?
What do graders look for in determining an AU58 Mercury Dime vs MS60 through MS62? I recently submitted a 1935 dime an it was graded AU58--I would like to know how to determine the difference, so I don't send coins in that just miss the grade. You help is appreciated.
And why don't AU58 get the FB designation?
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
Look at the coin under incandescent light. Tilt the coin back and forth so that the light hits the coin at different angles. High point rub is a break in the luster of a coin. On AU58 coins it can often only be seen at certain angles.