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Comments on this 1889 Morgan

What do you think? AT or Real?




  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    really cool colors

  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • byergobyergo Posts: 586
    Wow! I see the most amazing toned coins on this web site.

    Real or AT, that is one amazing coin! It looks real to me.
    Buy/Sell/Trade Rainbow Morgans
  • I am thinking it is real toning too. I think I got a fantastic deal on it.

    What do you think?

  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭
    Sorry, but that piece is not a natural toned coin. It's been cooked with sulfur IMO.

  • labloverlablover Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The last question I answered about AT and said was real I got embarrased when we find out it layed under a washer for six months.

    "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    AT. It has been cooked with chemicals by a coin doctor. On the reverse, that isn't toning, it is discoloration from the high heat.
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    It fooled me at first glance, but I gotta agree that it's AT. The hard edges between color near the stars and field, the speckly white. And it looks like an army green color, which is never natural. But as with anything, it takes seeing it in person to be sure.

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