<< <i>Sounds crazy......if they truly bank wrapped, thats not too bad of a price for 5 rolls. >>
I ain't no expert there, but they don't look nowherenearbankwrapped. In my opinion he probably has a machine and wrapped them himself.
morris <><
"Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand." ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! ** Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
That is an awful price. Comes out to 6.3 cents per coin, not even taking shipping into account. I buy mine from my dealer at 3 cents each..................Ken
Even if his story is bunk, so what? They're real wheaties, he did not manufacture them himself and call them real.
Obviously he keeps his customers happy. His feedback is flawless and numerous, so he must be doing something right.
Besides, I have read the Morgan stories, sorry can't remember the date off hand, where thousands of EXTINCT Silver dollars were suddenly found in a Treasury Vault a few decades ago.
If you heard that in real time, all you coin quarterbacks would say, bunk, bunk, bunk! The story is true!
The 1804 Draped Bust story is pretty farfetched, yet true. Bunk, bunk, bunk.
1933 St. Gaudens, strange but true. Bunk, Bunk, Bunk.
True, I just wish he would shoot it to us straight. Say, "I had a bucket of wheaties and rolled them". I know it's about the marketing, it just reminded me of Bev and poor old Hearold!
It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!
numis ed: I sent him an e-mail asking for the name of the bank and the phone and the person he dealt with.No responce as of this time Sent it out this AM.With all those pos.feed back,maybe he's ok.
I could not resist for 20 bucks. I will let you know when I get mine what is in there. Why does he owe it to anybody to give them the name and phone number of his contact? He'd be crazy.
Just got mine in today. They are fresh bank rolled. Most are 40's and 50's but theres a nice sprinkling of 10's 20's and 30's. A lot of 1919's. All in all a fun way for my son to search for common dates. I'm happy with them.
Glad to hear you are happy with your purchase. With that kind of 100%, perfect feedback, you knew he has to be doing it very well. Hope your son has lots of fun with the pennies.
These are machine wrapped, but not many years ago. More like days ago! Buy a lot, then leave feedback like, "Thanks! A 55 DDO in AU58 and a 14-D in XF. Thanks again!!!" It'll drive the guy nuts thinkung that he missed when he (un) searched them!
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
<< <i>These are machine wrapped, but not many years ago. >>
Right on! To be "bank-rolled unsearched wheaties" they had to be wrapped at least 45 years ago. Twenty-three years ago my office was inside a bank branch, where they were still folding the ends of rolls, and the wrapper style in his picture hadn't come on the scene yet!
I received a reply from the company yesterday.Here what they said." Being a corporation,we can not divulge the names or phone # of our clients,so if you want to withdraw your bid please do so."I did throw in 1 bid.I don't know what to think about this company!!!!!!!!!
<< <i>Sounds crazy......if they truly bank wrapped, thats not too bad of a price for 5 rolls. >>
I ain't no expert there, but they don't look nowherenearbankwrapped. In my opinion he probably has a machine and wrapped them himself.
morris <><
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
(951) 757-0334
If it was a true story, why wouldn't he name the bank?
It's all about Marketing isn't it?
Even if his story is bunk, so what? They're real wheaties, he did not manufacture them himself and call them real.
Obviously he keeps his customers happy. His feedback is flawless and numerous, so he must be doing something right.
Besides, I have read the Morgan stories, sorry can't remember the date off hand, where thousands of EXTINCT Silver dollars were suddenly found in a Treasury Vault a few decades ago.
If you heard that in real time, all you coin quarterbacks would say, bunk, bunk, bunk! The story is true!
The 1804 Draped Bust story is pretty farfetched, yet true. Bunk, bunk, bunk.
1933 St. Gaudens, strange but true. Bunk, Bunk, Bunk.
There just a bunch of Freakin' Wheaties!
Who cares?
Go sell some coins!
homerattila(179) Apr-07-03 11:41:40 PDT 3010672256 S
Praise : Couple Indians, some steelies, decent mix. Very recently rolled!
Very recently rolled.
You coin sleuths are probably right on the money.
<< <i>Feedback rating of 1,480 with 100% positive feedback reviews. Must have made more than a few customers very happy.
hey mr big, dont you know andy ?
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
<< <i>These are machine wrapped, but not many years ago. >>
Right on!
To be "bank-rolled unsearched wheaties" they had to be wrapped at least 45 years ago. Twenty-three years ago my office was inside a bank branch, where they were still folding the ends of rolls, and the wrapper style in his picture hadn't come on the scene yet!