Where is Gold going ? UP OR ?????

What does everyone thing of the gold prices? Does everyone think they’re going up or continuing to go down? Let’s here from all the smart gold guys & Gals here
God Bless America and our troops

God Bless America and our troops

John-3:16 & Psalms-23
B Co.1st Blt.7th Marines
1st Platoon Nam 67
B Co.1st Blt.7th Marines
1st Platoon Nam 67
My bullion is for insurance. I will TRADE some gold stocks from time to time but only for short period.
Your question is probably 5000 years old and no one has ever answered it.
The fact that it is dropping even in US dollars is even more negative. The dollar ain't healthy either.
Gold will go up and it will go down.
Not necessarily in that order though.
Got quoins?
down. On any given day, it may be higher or lower than it is today.
But over the next several years, i believe the trend will be up.
The history of currency backed by the good faith and credit of the issuing nation, isn't very good.
Long term.........up
Short term.........THROW up
When the dollar falls, gold usually rises.
And the dollar is falling. We have a $503.4 billion TRADE deficit. That's almost a million an hour. To stave off a dollar selloff, we must attract a million an hour just to stay even.
Then we got another little thing like pissing off every foreign country except Japan and a couple others with our "war." Foreigners buy our treasury bonds. If they stop, we will have to depend on credit strapped US folks to fund the government. That means higher interest rates which would kill stocks AND gold.
Who knows? If you get an answer, PM me and we will get rich.