Incredible! What a crook. And he really knows how to word it too. If you read it very carefully, nowhere in the entire ad does it ever say this coin IS a MS65. It only says " $30,000 @ MS65 " and blah! blah! blah!... plus other prices at other MS levels. So, if some poor soul got it , say @ $20K, thinking he got a steal of a deal, and then finds out it's a piece of crap, he can't really sue this jerk,because the ad never said the coin WAS a MS65. I think this guy must be a crooked lawyer, or he has an advisor as a crooked lawyer. This is a reason I never buy anything on ebay, although I know there are decent and honest people doing business there. There are also too many crooks!
Well gee, I dunno, lets see........he offers a cheap, cleaned XF coin, he calls the coin a "GEM" in his description, puts "MS65 and $30,000.00" as his headline, and quotes a price guide for coins that have absolutely nothing to do with what he is selling in an attempt to grossly mislead people.
So what has this seller done wrong?? Nothing at all if you're a lowlife cheap crook con man I suppose.
Relax Dragon, I am not agreeing with his tactics but it appears to me he is doing things many on ebay do and get away with.
There is a well known "reputable" seller who auctions MS65 coins but also puts "MS66?" in the title and states it's a good upgrade coin.
I won't even go into those who legitimize their wares by slabbing them with PCI, ACG or NTC. That's even more misleading and involves more dollars and collectors.
Stopping one auction is not going to save the collecting world.
Yes it is sad but then again it is business as usual.
<< <i>Stopping one auction is not going to save the collecting world. >>
That's true. But, it did just save at least one poor schmuck from getting fleeced out of over $1200. I suppose, though, that since taking any action against one slimeball is not going to stop all slimeballs, it would be better to simply ignore the problem completely.
Mrpawn,"Not the same coin , Ofcourse it is the same coin. Look at the obverse, same axact marks on the neck, same indent just right of the star below "E", just different lighting.
Yep, it's the same coin; just imaged at a different angle. One can pretty much make any average coin look completely different from image to image just by changing lighting and angle - you don't even need any editing software.
And sad.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
<< <i>The PCGS Price, one of the most respected and accurate price guides >>
He's either an idiot or a crook.
Russ, NCNE
Wow! He upgraded it to "Excellent" condition. So?
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Check this one out!
The stingrayvetteman would be better off buying ACG coins.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
<< <i>Yeah, but look who is the high bidder now. >>
That high bidder needs to look at this slimeball's other auctions.
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>The stingrayvetteman would be better off buying ACG coins. >>
He buys a lot of Morgans. You'd think he'd know better.
Russ, NCNE
And he really knows how to word it too. If you read it very carefully, nowhere in the entire ad does it ever say this coin IS a MS65. It only says " $30,000 @ MS65 " and blah! blah! blah!... plus other prices at other MS levels. So, if some poor soul got it , say @ $20K, thinking he got a steal of a deal, and then finds out it's a piece of crap, he can't really sue this jerk,because the ad never said the coin WAS a MS65.
I think this guy must be a crooked lawyer, or he has an advisor as a crooked lawyer.
This is a reason I never buy anything on ebay, although I know there are decent and honest people doing business there. There are also too many crooks!$50 -> $1200
Beats buying a $50 coin for $1200 and selling it for $50!
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
What has this fellow done wrong? There is no lie and there is no wonderful claim. It's all factual information.
Misleading? Sure if you don't read well and are all too excited.
Is the coin overgraded? Sure but so are 99% of raw on ebay and in dealer cases.
Buyer beware! You will not stop this guy as long as suckers are born every minute.
<<<What has this fellow done wrong?>>>
Well gee, I dunno, lets see........he offers a cheap, cleaned XF coin, he calls the coin a "GEM" in his description, puts "MS65 and $30,000.00" as his headline, and quotes a price guide for coins that have absolutely nothing to do with what he is selling in an attempt to grossly mislead people.
So what has this seller done wrong?? Nothing at all if you're a lowlife cheap crook con man I suppose.
There is a well known "reputable" seller who auctions MS65 coins but also puts "MS66?" in the title and states it's a good upgrade coin.
I won't even go into those who legitimize their wares by slabbing them with PCI, ACG or NTC. That's even more misleading and involves more dollars and collectors.
Stopping one auction is not going to save the collecting world.
Yes it is sad but then again it is business as usual.
Not the same coin
You really need to get new glasses. It's the same coin.
OBVERSE: same pointed toning spot right next to the last star before the E.
Also dark spots in and around the same R and B of PLURIBUS of both coins.
REVERSE: same toning spot on the periphery at 8 to 9 o'clock. Also the same depression at the
upper left hand corner of the O of DOLLAR.
See my comment in the post above.
Question to you: So, you think his tactic is acceptable?
" is business as usual."
Have you ever heard of "I'm only one person, my vote doesn't count"?
"conserved" by the pros and the reason why it got an upgrade
And quit making fun of my auctions!!
<< <i>Stopping one auction is not going to save the collecting world. >>
That's true. But, it did just save at least one poor schmuck from getting fleeced out of over $1200. I suppose, though, that since taking any action against one slimeball is not going to stop all slimeballs, it would be better to simply ignore the problem completely.
Russ, NCNE
Russ, NCNE
bid he was high bidder on the 1897-O MS66 @ $82500 for only $1250!