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Cheers to Barry Stuppler and company!

Many of you will laugh and point at my coming so late to this, and I hope you don't mind. I know there have been many posts about this, but honestly, the ones I saw all assumed I knew what was going on, and I didn't.

I just read the article about it, "Stuppler 'admonished' " in the April 8th Numismatic News.

I found myself cheering for him and those who stood with him. I don't pretend to understand all of the issues here regarding ebay etc., but I respect anyone willing to stand up publicly and call a duck a "duck" if you know what I mean. Good for them. IMHO, numismatics is better for it. imageimage

... I just realised, this post is as vague as all the ones I mentioned earlier, and may not make sense. Sorry. Unfortunately I feel if I tried to summarize I would get it wrong... Just read the article.image


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