Pictures and scans
I have been trying to scan my coins and they all come out samll with low resolution. The instructions I have don't seem to help. What have forum members done to get good quality scans of their coins?
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
On my software when I choose "scan a photo" up pops a dialog box. There is a button I can press that is labeled "adjust image quality". When I press that I get another dialog box that has a place were I can "adjust resolution". This was 72 DPI when I first looked at it. Try making it 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch).
You software probably has something similar.
What software and scanner do you use?
Is there a way with your scanner to prescan - expand on certain areas - change format (B&W/color photo/ color drawing)?
I do not know of any scanner that does a decent job on toned coins.
I use Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition to trim and size my images. When I ask PD to scan an image it brings up a dialog box that I believe came with the HP. I was using PD with my old scanner and the UMAX had a similar dialog that allowed the same adjustments.
I now mostly use a digital camera. It is harder and takes more time. I still use PD to crop the images.
Some people say that direct Sunlight on the coin gives them thier best pictures. Its just the opposite for myself. The Darker the room the better with just a single light source. Late Night or early morning works best here.
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