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1970-D Lincoln??

How is everyone doing? I have been off here for a few months.

I have found a 1970-D lincoln cent that appears to have an inverted D. Has anyone heard of one? My references do not show one. This coin is about XF. I am going to send it to NCADD to have some one check it. I will try to post a pic later.
Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!


  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    What do you mean inverted?

    Does the loop turn on the left - like backwards?
  • bigtonydallasbigtonydallas Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭
    Yes upside down. Part of the original d is showing and part of the correct d is showing. Kind of looks like (|) with the bottom right corner missing.
    Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!
  • bigtonydallasbigtonydallas Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭
    Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!
  • bigtonydallasbigtonydallas Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭
    Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!
  • mnmcoinmnmcoin Posts: 2,165
    There are two DDO for the date...LCDD0-002 & LCDDO-007...CONECA 7-0-1 & CONECA 8-0-1 respectably. Although this probably would not cause the inverted D as you have described it could be cause for seeing something odd or unusual for the date...check the other lettering, especially the Liberty and In God We Trust, this are the normal PUP for Lincolns.

    I say this cause I checked the RPM book by James Wiles and there are indeed three rpm's for the 70d, but neither of which are inverted. RPM #1 & 2 are D/D south were RPM #3 is D/D/D which can possibly cause the look you are describing.

    Sorry, these are mostly shots in the dark as trying to explain it.

    morris <><
    "Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand."
    ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
    Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.

    TEMECULA, CA 92590
    (951) 757-0334

  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    I believe Coin World recently showed a picture of an altered one recently where the D had been altered to look like an upside down D.
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭

    << <i>There are two DDO for the date...LCDD0-002 & LCDDO-007...CONECA 7-0-1 & CONECA 8-0-1 respectably. >>

    If there exists a CONECA die #7 and die #8, then dies 1-6 would exist as well, making the total 8, not two. The two you found are the only ones they decided to include in some incomplete guide.

    << <i>I have found a 1970-D lincoln cent that appears to have an inverted D. Has anyone heard of one? >>

    As far as I know nothing like this has ever been found to date.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • bigtonydallasbigtonydallas Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭
    I also have the RPM book and there are seven D/Ds. This coin has both mintmarks very weak but clear. I sent it today to John Bordner of NCADD to examine. I will let you all know what he thinks. It's only XF but it wou be neat to be able to find a new variety!!!
    Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!

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