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$7950 for a 2003 GAE set MS70 ?

You got to be kidding me!
This is what's being advertised on DHRC.
This is worse than those Shop-At-Home guys.
I would like to know who is stupid enough to buy these coins at the advertised price.


  • I saw this in his latest mailing - I agree with you - Way overpriced, BUT, MS70 and deep pockets sometimes meet! (e.g. remember the 1963 Lincoln proof....?)


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • ERER Posts: 7,345
    I am bashing the boss. I will be banned, right? Riiiiiiiigghht!!!! Oh, well !
  • ER - You're safe! PCGS and DHRC, while linked in a business way, are not linked when it comes to grading, distribution, population figures, or message threads.

    Relax and gather up $7,950 - c'mon I know you're itchin' to get a set!


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    lol LOL i am not going to touch this with a ten foot pole

    buy what you like like what you buy make sure you know exactly what you are looking at and you know the real value of the coins in the holders not the holders around the coins
    if you had to sell these coins tomorrow what could you gewt for them on the floor of a large bourse cash? like at fun or long beach

    buy only with discretionary funds money you can afford to lose

    buy for fun and as a hobby with no expectations

    if you do all of the above then you are safe

    if not that is okie buy what you like like what you buy

    but let the buyer beware

    i hope you makes the right decsison

    sincerely michael
  • ccrdragonccrdragon Posts: 2,697
    Words to live and collect by, Michael!
    Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

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