A few serious questions for those of you in favor of posting coins here :

1) Should ALL PCGS coins be ok to post? After all, theoretically, just about any PCGS coin could fit into a "Registry" set of some type.
2) If your answer to the above question is "no", what about an MS64 1881-S Morgan Dollar with a PCGS population of approximately 60,000? An MS65 1938-D Buffalo nickel with a population of 17,000 plus and a value of roughly $50? A circulated 1938-D Buffalo Nickel? An MS63 1924 Saint Gaudens $20 with a population of 54,000 plus?
3) If you answer to question number one is "yes", then why not dispense with all of the talk about "Registry" this and "Registry" that? After all, in reality, "Registry" has become a meaningless qualifier and we're really talking about a free for all.
If there are no rules/guidelines about posting coins here (and, if such is the case, I'm not going to argue it), let's at least be honest about it, rather than cloaking postings under the guise of the all-encompassing and magic "Registry" label.
Flame away if you so desire, but at least be honest about what you want to do with this forum.
2) If your answer to the above question is "no", what about an MS64 1881-S Morgan Dollar with a PCGS population of approximately 60,000? An MS65 1938-D Buffalo nickel with a population of 17,000 plus and a value of roughly $50? A circulated 1938-D Buffalo Nickel? An MS63 1924 Saint Gaudens $20 with a population of 54,000 plus?
3) If you answer to question number one is "yes", then why not dispense with all of the talk about "Registry" this and "Registry" that? After all, in reality, "Registry" has become a meaningless qualifier and we're really talking about a free for all.
If there are no rules/guidelines about posting coins here (and, if such is the case, I'm not going to argue it), let's at least be honest about it, rather than cloaking postings under the guise of the all-encompassing and magic "Registry" label.
Flame away if you so desire, but at least be honest about what you want to do with this forum.
I don't intend to post coins here - that was not the reason for my questions and I suspect you already knew that. Care to address those questions?
I totally agree with you.
I have coins in my Registry sets that range from MS67 to Fair-02, so EVERY coin in a PCGS holder is theoretically a Registry coin for somebody.
-- Dennis
Collectors and dealers have been doing just fine here for years selling coins. When Greg (Typetone) elected to sell his fabulous $50,000 Ike collection on this board, he was able to do so nearly instantly. Many other dealers offer their neat coins here as well - I believe I saw Wayne Herdon selling a sizeable group of "top pop" modern Commems here last week, Datentype has up many coins, as well as Morris, etc., etc., etc. From the dealer standpoint, best I can tell, most everyone acts appropriately. If a collector "sways" and offers out old bus tokens here from his grandparents estate, I'm sure enough people will swoop in and redirect him.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
<< <i>No, not all PCGS coins should be listed here. Top pops are okay, even if there are 1000 of them. Near top pop coins in tougher dates are also okay. A VF 1909 S VDB belongs on the BST forum not here. A Good Chain cent belongs here. Common sense is all that is needed. Sets of PCGS MS66 State Quarters don't belong here. Sets of PCGS MS68 State Quarters do. >>
I thought the majority said selling was ok! Now you are saying not all selling is ok. I think the "majority" claimed no clarification of this was needed, so all coins in PCGS holders should be allowed to be sold with no "flaming" for it as they all have a registry to fit in.
(BTW, I bet I can count the number of selling threads by datentype on one hand, he rarely uses this board to sell)
(Since I don't sell here, I suppose that I should not have responded to this thread)
As Mdwoods stated, common sense is all that's needed, and it's not been lacking here.
At least no one has loaded the page up w/50,000 single posts of $5 coins so far!
Again, The ratio of threads on the front page pertaining to selling compared to threads pertaining to rules of selling is 1 to 4!
Talk about clutter!
I totally agree with you.
I have coins in my Registry sets that range from MS67 to Fair-02, so EVERY coin in a PCGS holder is theoretically a Registry coin for somebody.
-- Dennis
This is America, of course you should respond. I was just posting what I think was acceptable. I don't expect everyone to agree, or disagree. Even tho I'm right.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
How about offers to buy specific coins? Anybody have any objections to that?
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
As Mark points out, any PCGS coin is theoretically a registry coin. For those who say pop top, at what point do we make a distinction? The Registry Marketing gimmick thrives on having the best.
At what point have you entered the realm of the best? ("do you want the best" R&I coins for instance) What grade, or population?
Is this issue going to be dominated by people in who you give an inch, and they take a mile.
Arent they happy having a free venue on the BST?
Are the registry sellers any better, or more priveliged than non-registry sellers. If it is thier intent to get as much exposure as possible, at the unfair advantage over a person without PCGS coins for sale, it creates an uneven playing field. Are these same people going to complain when a lot of high pop junk PCGS coins for sale start clogging up the registry board thus eliminating thier unfair advantage?
How come people only bash PCGS when it is convenient? And love it when it lines thier pockets with cash. Are you hot, cold, or lukewarm?
Where do you really stand?
I watch some peoples opinions change direction like corks in the ocean, and I wonder if they will ever be happy with anything.
Why do people want to complicate this. Sell on the BST, discuss in the Registry Forum.
Man I'm glad some of you don't work for the I.R.S.!
"For discussions about PCGS registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them."
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
To control for excess posts a few guidelines make sense. First put your entire list on one thread. Second, we used to frown on threads referencing ebay or Teletrade auctions. We have kind of let that go, but I won't look at threads that just link to an ebay auction.
Many coins sold here are specialized. For example, when I sold my mint state IKE set, there was really no dealer source for these kinds of pieces. Generally the top shelf dealers like Pinnacle or Legend have stayed clear of rare moderns. So, when we want to buy or sell them, it is great to have a board like this. The problem with B/S/T is that there are so many posts that good stuff gets run off the front page very quickly with ebay ads. Offers last longer here.
Mark, I would love for Pinnacle to offer stuff here, especially new stuff. Of course, most of us know where your website is. But, why not from time to time give the Board first shot for a few days.
Why continue to stir the pot?
Since you did;
1. A big YES. And, I'm still waiting for PCGS to define the term "Registry Quality". IMO, anything short of "Any coin graded by PCGS" is being elitist and snobish. There are a large number of Registry Sets listed that don't come close to being in the top 10, or top 20, and never will. I'm sure the owners of these sets are just as proud of their collection as the owner of any of the top 5 sets in any catagory.
2. Skipped per your instructions, moving to #3.
3. I believe you're a little off the mark here. It seems no one wants to see links to eBay, websites, raw coins, or coins graded by "other" grading services. Since the only coins eligible to be listed in the Registry are PCGS graded coins, the feeling is why offer non-PCGS coins. So the word "Registry" is in fact a meaningful qualifier, because it best descripes what collectors on this forum are looking for.
This is the REGISTRY Forum- things are handled a bit differenty on it.
For example, did you notice, that although Greg M. posted his KenyaBuster Thread on the Coin Forum and the Open Forum (heck, even on the Test Forum!) he did NOT post it here?
There is a civility and level of professionalism that defines this forum. Collectors who frequent this Forum "Get it".
We are all big boys and know what the policies and prodedures are here for offering and selling coins.
We also know when we have stepped over that line.
To attempt to define it even further is somewhat insulting, and quite frankly, beneath you (IMHO).
<< <i>To attempt to define it even further is somewhat insulting, and quite frankly, beneath you (IMHO). >>
I'm relatively new here? Have I insulted you by wanting clarification? If so, I apologize, but if your as sweet as I think, you'll gently explain all the rules for this forum to me, other than my interpretation of what I read when I joined.
DAM - I'f I'm continuing to "stir the pot," it's in the eyes of those who don't want to see questions raised. But, what is wrong with everyone being on the same page about what is or is not ok to post? And clearly, not everyone is - people have been interpreting various posts and quotes as they have wanted to and put their own spins on things.
Regarding your point
<< <i> I believe you're a little off the mark here. It seems no one wants to see links to eBay, websites, raw coins, or coins graded by "other" grading services. Since the only coins eligible to be listed in the Registry are PCGS graded coins, the feeling is why offer non-PCGS coins. So the word "Registry" is in fact a meaningful qualifier, because it best descripes what collectors on this forum are looking for. >>
Again, if the answer to my first question is yes and all PCGS coins are ok, than why not just say "all PCGS coins are ok", instead of talking about "Registry", which is indeed a meaningless qualifier, under those circumstances? I'm not talking about uncertified coins or those certified by companies other than PCGS.
I'm done now - you guys do as you please.
It would make sense if we were all in the fifth grade, but most of us are not.
MadMonk- the best I could do is suggest reading the published rules governing this forum- it loosely defines what is right and what is wrong. The rest is up to us to interpret. That is something I feel we are more than capable of performing without further definition from PCGS.
Yes, I want first crack at coins here that would be of legitimate interest to Registry Set collectors. I don't recall that there has been a big problem in actual practice with this issue on this Board.
I'm starting to wonder what the unspoken agenda are for people who keep bringing it up and objecting.
Does anyone care to bring those agenda out in the open, or to seek resolution by other means?
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
As far as this being an old issue, it was the first time I'd come across it, and I'm certainly not going to start searching through hundreds of archives before I decide to jump into a discussion. People are constantly berated for what they put where. I don't like being berated, and want some fairly clear guidelines for what is acceptable.
Finally, and respectfully, what is a coin of "legitamate interest". Thats vague as well, point of view rules in it's definition.
First of all, I honestly have not seen this particular Board get mired down in flame wars. I know some people have feelings about individuals using the Board to hawk their wares, but such controversy plays out pretty quickly, and has never been a defining characteristic of this Board. And in any event, I've been here from the inception, and I never recall this Board being weighed down with coin offers and Ebay links of any description, not to say ones that Registry Set collectors would find interesting.
As far as I can see, common sense has generally prevailed here. If people exploit or abuse the general guideline, that one shouldn't try to sell coins here unless they are of "legitimate interest to Registry Set collectors," and that even if one does offer said coins, one shouldn't do it "too much," then the self-policing of the Board kicks in. In the past, if someone has objected and they found that the objection inspired no support among other members, then they usually have acquiesced and adjusted, or have gone. That's the way Boards work.
You seem to want more clear-cut and precise rules (I don't like being berated, and want some fairly clear guidelines for what is acceptable.). I think that if we tried to be precise with anything BUT an absolute ban of all coin offerings here, though, we'd get lost in minutiae and picky arguing about what precise coins were acceptable and what were not, to the point of exhaustion.
I don't think there's a problem here that needs to be fixed.
And if anyone berates you in the future, I promise to leap to your defense!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Russ, NCNE
If he transfers cert. numbers upon sale for use in the reg.
If he gives a full history of the coin.
If he prices it right...
Shall I go on?
In other words, yes.
Russ, NCNE
I just think that overall posting buys, sales and trades on the PCGS forum is beneficial for the masses. Most slab buyers don't want to wade through the countless raw coin/set/supply on the BST coin forum.
I just don't see what the problem is, if the title is clear and honest then skip it or read it, depending on what you are looking for.
morris <><
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
(951) 757-0334
inneedof70s---I just put some stuff in the for sale registry and came over here to look around. I would sure like to see the for sale stuff over there and the discussions about registry issues or....in this forum. Seems to just clutter up the forum when that stuff is posted in both forums.
wondercoin---The "for sale" stuff is fine over here
inneedof70s---Okay. Then here you go...I have a few extra commems that are for sale or trade for ones I don't have.
carolj---I think he has a point. The only area where we are grey on this is if the items being sold are from a set. I know we don't always get a chance to move the ones that should be but I guess if it get out of hand we'll have to be more strict in the rules.
carolj---Any marteial can be offered but it should be done on the Buy/Sell & Trade. I know this question has come up in the past and I think it was decided that it could list here if it was part of a set.
perhaps it's another case of selective interpretation, but it seems our beloved administrator is trying to tell us that if you have an item already in a set that you wish to sell it was agreed that it would be OK to list it in the registry forum. other items, whether they are registry eligible or not, should be listed in the BST.
am i the only one that sees that??
al h.
<< <i>am i the only one that sees that?? >>
It is hard to see with tunnel vision. Many here only see what they want.
<< <i>
<< <i>am i the only one that sees that?? >>
It is hard to see with tunnel vision. Many here only see what they want. >>
And of course you don't have tunnel vision on this either.
morris <><
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
(951) 757-0334
<< <i>The lack of clarification is the antithesis of tunnel vision, and is less "defining" on purpose, perhaps, to be more flexible. Is that not good? >>
I think I agree mostly with your end thought, just not quite with lack of clarification being the antithesis of tunnel vision...I think the antithesis of tunnel vision is...to steal a line from Lucy on Peanuts...wishy washy.
I would agree that neither to the extreme is very good, somewhere in the middle perhaps is best, as is usually the case.
Obviously there are two schools of thought on this, selling is okay vs. selling is not okay. And I think the compromise is that posting be allowed but in a specific manner that is condusive to both parties...ie not wasting the time of people that would prefer not to see the selling/buying/trading post on this forum.
My perception and correct me if I am wrong is that the people that don't want the ads for bst on this forum are concerned with wasting their time by reading something they don't want to see, and thus wasting their time. If that is correct, I think if the posters of bst on this forum clearly stick to stated and agreed upon verbage for the title, this would be a win, win situation...which is always best.
Okay, excuse me, while I step down from the platform.
morris <><
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
(951) 757-0334