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ACG's "Bounty"

Its seldom that I write much on this forum (due to time), much less about this worn out topic.

However, I'll admit to God, country, dealers and collectors that I did visit their (ACG's) web site today. I've known of their "bounty" for anyone saying anything negative about their company or their service for some time.

The "bounty" really strikes me in a very unusual way to conduct business. Its an action that I just don't understand and have a very difficult time comprehending. Can you imagine if American Express, Bowers & Merena, or even ENRON had offered similar bounties?

In my personal opinion (and I have a right to express my opinion), by placing a "bounty" on someone for saying something negative about them tells me they are very concerned about their public image. I can think of no other reason for offering the bounty.

Any business will have problems from time to time. The way I'd handle such a situation, and I'll do it here, is if someone has something bad to say about J. T. Stanton or my publishing business, please let me know. No bounty is offered. But my purpose is far different from ACG. I want to try to fix anything I might have done wrong with anyone. I have no vendetta except to satisfy all my customers, and I want to make all my customers, past customers, and potential customers as happy as possible, and treat them as fairly as possible - all the time. The key word if fair.

I will say this. ACG has always said they use their own grading system. That is perfectly legal. In my mind, if they use a system that is not what we might consider "the norm," they should explain their system in detail. The customer should know why their system is different from the system that PCGS, NGC, ANACS, SEGS, ICS and all the others use. That is fair. If they did that, they would have fewer negative comments, and certainly absolutely no reason to offer a bounty. Unless fear come into play.

Best wishes all.

J T Stanton
P O Box 15487
Savannah, GA 31416-2187
E-mail: jtstanton@aol.com
Web: www.cherrypickersguide.com


  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Hey JT,
    Turn in my siggy, maybe they will send you a MS70 state quarter. I'm sure they can pick one out of some ones pocket and slab it!!!image
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • JT,

    Well said! Well said.
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    The bottom line is that the ACG organization consists of people who are not good business people and lake ethics. Everything that they do indicates that they really don't know what in the he11 they are doing. Ever read ACG's ads in Coin World? I would swear that a 3rd grader wrote the ad in some sort of ACG's "kids: write our ad and win 10 free submissions" contest. Another thing that really cracks me up is how they say that they will charge you $1 to remove a coin from a flip, or $1 if you used staples. I intend to purchase Hagar's books one day, just to satisfy my quest for comedy.
  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    It seems that some people understand how to run a business and some do not. Obviously ACG does not!

    you would think they would get a clue and grade properly
  • CoulportCoulport Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭
    What I REALLY want to know is when is the Cherrypicker's Guide Vol 2 going to be published?

    Or, is that just another urban legend?
    The most money I made are on coins I haven't sold.

    Got quoins?
  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    Welcome JT. I've met you at coin shows, Hanging with that Characterimage Bill Fivas (How is Bill?)
    I've always percieved you as fair, knowledgeable, and all around stand up guy.
    I, as a collector, always appreciate an attitude of cooperation. Your message to us conveys that beautifully.
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    J.T. - that is WAY too simple a philosophy.

    This is America, damnit. Land of the Lawsuit. Why solve problems when you can SUE someone?
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    prior to the ana hearing, where had acg ever specifically spelled out that their grading system differs from ana guidelines? my ONLY complaint against acg is that they have never done this that i have seen.

    personally, i have zero complaints about their actual grading, etc.

    K S
  • Greetings all,

    The comments received already (in just a couple of hours) are not far from what I expected. The truth is that anyone can have problems, I have my own. But those who live up to them are far different. ACG should, in all honesty, treat all their customers with respect, and explain in detail the differences in their grading guidelines from those of other grading services, and they should do so honestly. Hey, not only is it fair, its good business sense.

    Someone asked about The Cherrypickers' Guide, #4-2. The fact is, and I've not made it an issue, But I've been battling cancer for a couple of years. Right now I am cancer free, but still weak. Hey, I now have to run around in a shower to get wet. But I am working on the book, and I fully expect it to be available in June, or July if some problems that I do not anticipate happen. I am currently soliciting ads for the book, especially from grading services that know varieties, recognize varieties, and grade using the ANA standards as a basis.

    Someone asked about Bill Fivaz. He has not changed at all. He's still the same great person we've all known. In my words, the epitome of a gentleman. And truth be known, he's had a candle at my rear end to get the book done. Quite frankly, I keep a fire extinguisher handy. It does come in handy.

    Folks, this is a hobby, and should be enjoyable. Make it fun, first and foremost.

    And I've got to say this - a personal opinion which has nothing to do with The Cherrypickers' Guide. I'm appalled at the ANA for slapping the hand of Barry Stuppler. He was trying to properly educate and help a collector who asked for advice. Had Stuppler done nothing I would not have respect for him. I don't personally know Barry very well, but I will say he stands up for what he believes is right. That I do admire.

    Best wishes all,

    J T Stanton
    P O Box 15487
    Savannah, GA 31416-2187
    E-mail: jtstanton@aol.com
    Web: www.cherrypickersguide.com
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i>I'm appalled at the ANA for slapping the hand of Barry Stuppler. He was trying to properly educate and help a collector who asked for advice. >>

    Asked for advice? It was my understanding that the email in question was unsolicited. The way it was worded also gave that same impression.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    JT- Honest businesses don't have the need to pay "bountys" to gather ammunition against whistleblowers. In the ANA written decision concerning Diane Hager vs. Barry Stuppler, they specifically mentioned the "bounty" as being inappropiate (Page 4). Here is the decision if you have not read it yet:

    ANA Decision

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