1969s are on Fire...Again!

Bid on several low and semi low population 69s tonight and did not win a single auction.
I placed pretty strong bids on a couple. It seems like the 69 set has hit a new peak after retreating a bit over the winter. The good news is there was a huge gap between the top 2 bidders and third place. With a little patience, I should be able to pick them up at a much lower price.

I believe your patience will payoff and it may not be that long. I find some of the prices being paid are quite bizarre. We still have the whole summer to go through and some folks are firing as if there is some sort of deadline. Is there a cutoff date approaching for the 1969 set registry set of the year?
I have decided to join the 69 crowd (Decided I needed a small companion set to my 69 Topps Decal set)... I have always liked the set and have been doing some bargin shopping... I bid (or had snipes in on) a lot of 8's tonight and won only 3.
By the way, I have the following if you're interested:
#206 PSA 8 $7
#549 PSA 8 $7
#557 PSA 8 $7
Plus $1.50 for shipping. Let me know if you're interested.
Good luck with the set!
Welcome to the club! The '69ers are arguably the most passionate collectors on the Registry. It's a very challenging set and there are a lot of very hard to find cards. Good luck!
I tried for the Hersherger PSA 8 last night and fell way short. Congrats TWINRON! It's a beauty.
Gemint- Your so right on this post. I have basically stayed on the sidelines on the low pop stuff. Its tenacious! I will wait till some of those Pops come up to grab some of the cards I need at reasonable rates. Think slow and steady.
By he way a load of short print 8's just went up from Squeeze play on EBay last light ... Most with initial bids of $24.95.. Too rich for my blood (right now anyway....)
I ended up with the Gomez & Watson in PSA 10. I probably paid a little too much, but I figure with so many people jumping on the '69 bandwagon, the cards should hold their value even if more 10's are graded.
gemint whats the name of your 69 set?
<< <i>to anybody who's listening. is the ernie banks a tough card in nm mt 8?
gemint whats the name of your 69 set? >>
It's under "John Constantino" and is currently number 2, though I'll likely switch places with Dave Jacobs very shortly at the rate he's been gaining on me.
I agree with Ray on the Banks PSA 8. There are currently 260 8 NQ's (minus resubmits) and 124 9 NQs graded. But there are always 1969 set collectors, Cubs team collectors, 500HR collectors and HOF collectors that will chase the card. You'll have no problem selling it if you price it right.