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Best way to sell low grade Barber Half set?

BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
I have a Barber Half set in a Dansco album, coins are G, VG, and F that I'm thinking of selling on Ebay.
Should I:
a) Sell as a complete set
b) Break up into small groups of
1. single date by MM (ex., 1909 P,O,S, etc.)
2. 3-5 coins, each coin different year
3. other
c) List each coin individually
d) other ideas?


  • If you could sell on the BST board, that would be the best to avoid Ebay Fees. Next best would be to sell as a set. Individually would take alot of effort and headache collecting from so many people and paying so many listing fees.

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  • Trying to sell as a set might save you some hassle...but how many successful complete set sales have you seen.

    I'd offer the better coins individually, and the others in groups.
  • For the Barber Halves in Fine or better, I would sell them individually because I think you'd get pretty good prices for them-- I think there's a good market for Barber Halves that have better than Good or Very Good detail. I would also sell the scarcer date/mintmarks individually too.

    On the other hand maybe there is someone(s) out there who would bid top dollar for a complete set together. I still think I'd go selling the better ones individually. Just my two cents-- someone out there
    may have seen a diff. strategy work better from experience.
  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,420 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a collector of the halves, complete sets of AG-VG coins are sold with some frequency on Ebay. Usually the key dates are ugly AG and the common dates are VG or fine at best. I have never seen a complete set with less than half the set ugly and with serious problems. I have seen one complete mid-grade set and half were not attractive and the set didn't sell.

    Complete sets in AG-G are probably better sold as a group as opposed to the hassle of selling individual G-VG coins on Ebay which are so common as to be mostly overlooked by most collectors, as Ebay is full of them and that is about all that is offered.

    Fines and higher would definitely fetch higher prices individually overall if you don't mind the extra work, listing, mailing, insuring, etc...

  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I sold a partial set of Indian head cents - 50 different or something - I got $150 or something - the buyer relisted the top 15 and grouped the rest - got $250 or something - take out eBay listing fees/final value fees, he still got better but had 16 buyers to deal with versus 1 - he also spent alot of time taking individual photos - what is your time worth? (do you want to spend 10 hours on this project or 30 minutes?)
  • hookooekoohookooekoo Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    Assuming you have children,

    Work with them to go through selling a single coin on ebay (you know, setting up a layout, taking pictures, etc).
    Then let them do the leg work of selling them individually on ebay. Let the kids keep 10% of the net income from the sale (payments from sellers minus shipping costs and ebay fees).
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,332 ✭✭✭✭✭
    how many successful complete set sales have you seen

    Well, I had about 30 sets about a year ago and they they sold very easily as complete sets. There's plenty of demand and you should offer the set intact.
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You might put it up as a set on ebay with a reserve you are comfortable with. Even if it doesn't sell, you may get mail from someone still interested in buying it as a set.
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    I sold a complete set last year. I received strong money, or, I was happy with the results. Most points have been covered here. How much time do you want to spend scanning up the coins, and mailing individual coins out.
    The other thing to consider is if you take the better graded coins out, plus the better dates, the bulk of the "common" coins aren't going to fetch any decent money at all. You may do well with the fist two groups, but that last group could dog your total sale price way down. I'd sell the whole kit and kaboodle in one shot. No mess. image

    *I'd also throw it up on the BS&T board for a couple of days before Ebay.

    Ebay Stuff

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